2016-02-15 / 最終更新日 : 2019-05-03 Aki@英語ニュース 科学技術 米国の科学者チームが重力波を観測【US scientists detect gravitational waves】 A team of scientists in the United States announced on Thursday that they detected gravitational waves, the ripples in space and time that Einstein predicted 100 years ago.
2016-01-11 / 最終更新日 : 2019-05-03 Aki@英語ニュース 科学技術 北朝鮮指導者が水爆実験を自衛と発言 【North Korean leader says H-bomb test self-defense】 North Korean leader Kim Jong Un claimed on Sunday that its hydrogen bomb test last Wednesday was an act of self-defense against a U.S. threat of nuclear war.
2015-12-16 / 最終更新日 : 2019-05-05 Aki@英語ニュース 科学技術 国立競技場の2つのデザインを公表【Two designs for Tokyo National Stadium disclosed】 The Japan Sports Council disclosed on Monday two competing designs for the new National Stadium, the main venue of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Both of them use wood as a structural element.
2014-12-04 / 最終更新日 : 2020-01-23 Aki@英語ニュース 科学技術 日本が宇宙探査機はやぶさ2を打ち上げ【Japan launches Hayabusa 2 space probe】 Japan’s space agency successfully launched a rocket carrying the Hayabusa 2 probe on Wednesday on a mission to travel to a distant asteroid to collect surface samples.
2012-11-20 / 最終更新日 : 2019-05-15 Aki@英語ニュース 科学技術 ソユーズの宇宙飛行士3人が地球に帰還【Three Soyuz astronauts return to earth】 Three astronauts including Japan’s Akihiko Hoshide safely touched down on the chilly plains of Kazakhstan onboard a Soyuz capsule early on Monday after a four-month stay at the International Space Station.
2012-10-09 / 最終更新日 : 2019-05-14 Aki@英語ニュース 科学技術 山中教授とガードン教授が幹細胞研究でノーベル賞【Yamanaka, Gurdon win Nobel Prize for stem cell work】 Osaka prosecutors released a 42-year-old man in September who was indicted for posting a mass murder threat on a website after they found that a third party could have remotely controlled his computer.