2015-08-31 / 最終更新日 : 2020-01-31 Aki@英語ニュース 社会 暴力団抗争の渦中で警察が警戒【Police on alert amid gang war】 Japan’s police have gone on high alert amid reports the nation’s biggest organized crime syndicate based in the western city of Kobe has split into different factions.
2015-06-22 / 最終更新日 : 2020-01-28 Aki@英語ニュース 社会 幹部の逮捕でトヨタの社長が謝罪【Toyota president apologizes for executive’s arrest】 The president of Toyota Motor Corp. issued an apology on Friday for the arrest of its top female executive, a 55-year-old American, who was suspected of importing illegal drugs.
2015-06-08 / 最終更新日 : 2020-01-28 Aki@英語ニュース 社会 MERSの死者が韓国で5人に増加【MERS deaths rise to five in South Korea】 South Korea said on Sunday that a 75-year-old man died of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome or MERS, bringing the total of deaths to five since its outbreak last month.
2015-05-25 / 最終更新日 : 2020-01-28 Aki@英語ニュース 社会 水族館が追い込み漁のイルカ購入停止へ【Japan aquariums to stop buying dolphins from drive hunt】 Japan’s aquariums decided on Wednesday to stop acquiring dolphins caught in controversial drive hunts off the town of Taiji in western Japan after a global zoo body criticized the practice as cruel.
2015-05-11 / 最終更新日 : 2020-01-26 Aki@英語ニュース 社会 サルのシャーロットが名前を保持【Monkey Charlotte retains her name】 A zoo in southwestern Japan decided not to change the name of a monkey on Friday despite being flooded with complaints from the public over naming her Charlotte after Britain’s newborn princess.
2015-02-18 / 最終更新日 : 2020-01-28 Aki@英語ニュース 社会 世論調査で52%が同性婚を支持【Poll shows 52% support same-sex partnership】 A poll by a major Japanese newspaper showed that 52% of those surveyed support a plan by a ward in Tokyo to issue partnership certificates to gay couples, compared to 27% who disagree.
2015-02-02 / 最終更新日 : 2020-01-25 Aki@英語ニュース 社会 ISの日本人ジャーナリスト殺害を世界首脳が糾弾【World leaders condemn IS murder of Japanese journalist】 While the heinous murder of journalist Kenji Goto by ISIS militants on Sunday drew condemnation from the international community, the Japanese Prime Minister vowed not to give in to terrorism.
2015-01-19 / 最終更新日 : 2019-05-02 Aki@英語ニュース 社会 いたずらユーチューブ動画で男が逮捕【Man arrested over prank YouTube videos】 Police arrested a 19-year-old boy found inside a train on Sunday on suspicion of trespassing in connection with YouTube videos depicting him shoplifting and tampering with food packages at stores.
2014-12-01 / 最終更新日 : 2020-01-23 Aki@英語ニュース 社会 クリスマスの時期に日本ではバター不足【Japan short of butter as Christmas approaches】 Japan is suffering from a serious butter shortage nationwide, raising concerns among consumers that they will have to spend Christmas without cream and strawberry sponge cakes.
2012-12-25 / 最終更新日 : 2019-05-15 Aki@英語ニュース 社会 宮崎で6人の患者がノロウイルスで死亡【Norovirus kills six patients in Miyazaki】 A norovirus outbreak at a hospital in Miyazaki prefecture, southwestern Japan, claimed the lives of six male patients in their 70s and 80s, officials reported on Sunday.
2012-12-19 / 最終更新日 : 2019-05-15 Aki@英語ニュース 社会 日本人男性が115歳で世界最高齢に【Japanese man becomes world’s oldest person at 115】 A 115-year-old Japanese man, who lives in Kyoto, Western Japan, was on Tuesday officially recognized as the oldest person in the world.
2012-12-12 / 最終更新日 : 2019-05-15 Aki@英語ニュース 社会 日本の生徒の数学と理科の得点が向上【Math, science scores for Japanese children improving】 Japanese schoolchildren have improved their scores in math and science over the past four years, the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study showed on Tuesday.