2016-11-14 / 最終更新日 : 2019-05-03 Aki@英語ニュース 社会 反トランプ抗議デモが全米で続く【Anti-Trump protests continue across the U.S.】 Tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets in cities across the United States to protest against President-elect Donald Trump since the stunning election result on Tuesday.
2016-10-17 / 最終更新日 : 2019-05-03 Aki@英語ニュース 社会 タイ人が国王の死を追悼【Thais mourn their king’s death】 Tens of thousands of Thai mourners gathered at Bangkok’s royal palace on Saturday to mourn the revered king, who passed away at the age of 88 after his 70-year reign.
2016-10-03 / 最終更新日 : 2019-05-03 Aki@英語ニュース 社会 トランプ氏が税金逃れか【Trump could have avoided paying taxes for years】 The New York Times reported on Saturday that Donald Trump could have avoided paying income taxes for up to 18 years after he declared a loss of nearly $1billion in 1995.
2016-06-27 / 最終更新日 : 2020-01-20 Aki@英語ニュース 社会 数百万人がEU国民投票のやり直しを要求【Millions call for another EU referendum】 Over 3 million Britons have signed a petition for a second referendum after a majority of people voted to leave the European Union on Thursday, which sent shock waves across the world.
2016-06-22 / 最終更新日 : 2019-05-03 Aki@英語ニュース 社会 上海ディズニーランドの一部来訪者は「無作法」【Some visitors of Shanghai Disneyland “uncivilized” 】 Chinese media describe some visitors of the newly-opened Shanghai Disneyland as “uncivilized” although the local government released an etiquette guide well in advance.
2016-03-02 / 最終更新日 : 2019-10-12 Aki@英語ニュース 社会 認知症患者の家族に事故の法的責任なし【Family of dementia patient not liable for accident】 The Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that the family of a 91-year-old man who suffered dementia is not liable for a railway accident eight years ago in which he was hit and killed by a train.
2015-12-07 / 最終更新日 : 2020-04-17 Aki@英語ニュース 社会 フェイスブックCEOの寄付が反発に直面【Facebook CEO faces backlash over his donation】 Days after the Facebook CEO announced he would donate 99 percent of his company shares to charitable causes, some critics questioned how the money would be used.
2015-11-19 / 最終更新日 : 2019-05-05 Aki@英語ニュース 社会 マタハラ訴訟で病院に損害賠償の判決【Hospital ordered to pay damages over maternity harassment】 A high court in western Japan ordered a hospital on Tuesday to pay about 1.75 million yen in damages to a physical therapist who was demoted due to pregnancy in a “maternity harassment” case.
2015-11-02 / 最終更新日 : 2019-05-05 Aki@英語ニュース 社会 学校関係者への謝礼で出版社にけん責【Publisher rapped for paying school officials】 The education ministry on Friday reprimanded a Tokyo publisher for paying junior high school officials last year for feedback on its English textbook under government screening.
2015-10-26 / 最終更新日 : 2020-02-06 Aki@英語ニュース 社会 日本の住民が「マイナンバー」受け取りへ【Residents in Japan to receive “My Number”】 Japan’s municipalities began on Friday to send notices showing 12-digit identification numbers to all residents in the nation under a new number system for tax and social security purposes called “My Number”.
2015-10-21 / 最終更新日 : 2020-02-06 Aki@英語ニュース 社会 旭化成が横浜のマンション傾斜で謝罪【Asahi Kasei apologizes for tilting Yokohama condo】 The president of Asahi Kasei Corp. on Tuesday apologized for a subsidiary’s involvement in faulty piling work and data fabrication for a tilting condominium building in Yokohama.
2015-09-16 / 最終更新日 : 2020-02-06 Aki@英語ニュース 社会 安保法案に反対して抗議集会【Protesters rally against security bills】 More than 10,000 people gathered in front of the Diet building in Tokyo on Monday to protest national security bills that the Prime Minister aims to enact this week.