日本が企業犯罪に司法取引を導入【Japan introduces plea bargains for corporate crimes】
Japan introduced its first plea bargaining system on Friday that allows prosecutors to promise leniency to suspects or defendants in exchange for information on corporate crimes. Unlike in the U.S., they cannot plead guilty to their own charges for a shorter sentence.
救命中の女性医療従事者らに土俵から降りるよう指示【Female medics ordered out of ring during first aid】
The Japan Sumo Association apologized on Thursday after two female medics were ordered to leave the ring where they were performing first aid on a man who had collapsed. In sumo’s tradition, the ring is considered sacred and women are banned from the space.
女子高生が頭髪の黒染めを強要したとして大阪府に訴訟 【High school girl sues Osaka Prefecture for forcing her to dye hair black】
An 18-year-old girl sued Osaka Prefecture in September after her public high school repeatedly forced her to dye her naturally brown hair black to follow its rule. The school also has a policy banning hair coloring.
アインシュタインのメモが競売で50万ドル以上で落札【Einstein’s note sells for more than $ 1.5 million at auction】
A handwritten note by Albert Einstein during his stay in Tokyo in 1922 sold for 1.56 million dollars at an auction in Jerusalem on Tuesday. He scribbled down his theory on happy living on a sheet of letter paper as a tip to a porter.