People tend to give star players and celebrities special treatment. I feel respectful for Australian authority to have made fair decision among COVID-19 situation.
I can imagine that his big fans may be disappointed by his absence from this match. In my opinion, he and his staff had a kind of conceit that they were sure to enter Australia. PM Morrison’s words “Rules are rules.” remain in my mind.
リスニングクイズでは、invalid と聞こえていたのに その前をillegally と聞き間違え、意味がおかしくなり迷路に迷い込みました(°▽°) 次回もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします!!
Whether to get vaccinated against Covid-19 should still be our choice. However, I also think those who travel a lot and can be around many people should be fully vaccinated. If they choose not to, they should be ready to accept any responsibility or restriction that may accompany their decision.
Getting vaccinated is not easy for every one, especially for those who are concerned about health reasons. I understand that the Australia government decided to cancel a visa for Djokovic, claiming that the reason for revoking it is in the ground of “health and good order”. However, personally I feel sorry and disappointed that Djokovic was unable to perform his amazing skills. I also wonder whether or not he will choose to have a vaccination for the next game.
Vaccination isn’t force, thus existing an anti-vaxxer isn’t quite special. However, if you chose not to vaccinate, you should accept the responsibilities and public restrictions that accompany it. He isn’t brave as a top tennis player in the world.
It’s bad that Djokovic can’t play at the Australian Open. However, people all over the world are fighting against COVID-!9. Each country has their own rules. We should follow them. There is no special exception even if he is a notable No.1 player.
I wonder if Australian government and the tournament organization asked Djokovic all the requirements appropriately and clearly in advance. That’s because it’s hard to believe that he neglected efforts to participate in the Australian Open.
Every country has different vaccination policies. I think Djokovic should have got vaccinated to be allowed his entry to Australia and to play at the Australian open. If he had a medical reason not to get vaccinated, his staff and legal team should have prepared documents with his doctor’s recommendation so his entry would be allowed.
一つのトピックを4技能を使って最終的に発信する形式になっていて、とても効果的だと思います。ジョコビッチ選手は専属の栄養士やトレーナーについてパフォーマンスを上げるための厳格な食生活を続けている、と聞いたことがあります。ワクチンを打たないのも、 体への影響に不安があったのかもしないですね、あくまで推測ですが…
Even though I’m not a big fan of tennis, I can understand how big a loss it is for Djokovic not to play in the Australian Open. I commend the wise decision of tennis power house, Australia, to not make an exception for such a star player.
I agree with the Australian government’s policy ” rule is rule.” Nobody is put above the law even if one is rich or famous. Djokovic should have got vaccinated against Covid-19 before going to Australia because he was able to imagine such a kind of confusion.
I’m so sorry that he took part in some events when he was infected with the COVID-19. He has a big influence to many people, so he should imagine that he might give the virus to others. Anyway, I have lost to watch his games and the moment he might win the Australian Open title 4 years in a row.
考えがあちらこちら散乱し、まとめるのに手間取ってしまいました。 Day4のスピーキング編のお陰で英文を書き、英語で考えをまとめる機会が出来ました。 しっかり習慣づけていきたいです。 これからもよろしくお願いします。
I agree with Australian government decision of deportation because in this emergency it’s important to obey the rules. Though I don’t deny he hasn’t got vaccinated yet, he had to prepare the exact entry procedure. How careless of him as a professional tennis player.
This issue created much controversy with global attention. His attitude against Covid-19 was careless. So I think it is a proper decision for him to be deported. I’m wondering how he would act as a star plyer for his future.
In this Covid-19 pandemic, everyone needs to follow rules in order to ensure the safety of themselves and people around them. Djokovic should not expect to be treated specially, even if he is a tennis star and is expected to win the championship in the Australian Open this year.
Much as I am sorry I cannot see his matches at the Australian Open, he might be a little arrogant on this issue and there is no choice but to follow Australian laws. Djokovic should have taken this issue more seriously.
I feel all over the world, people tend to support their government treating COVID-19 pandemic strictly. This Djokovic’s case, Australia government also very strictly treated. I think there would have been other moderate ways to solve this case.
どうぞお楽しみに!Have a good day…
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