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日本の首相が解散・総選挙を表明 【2014年11月20日】

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced on Tuesday that he will postpone a consumption tax hike to 10 percent and call a snap election next month,


前那覇市長が沖縄県知事に 【2014年11月17日】

Former mayor of Naha city in Okinawa, a staunch opponent of relocating a U.S. military base within the prefecture, won the gubernatorial election on Sunday,


日本が拉致問題で担当者らを北朝鮮に派遣へ 【2014年10月22日】

The Japanese government plans to send officials to Pyongyang this month to be briefed on the investigation


経産大臣が資金問題で辞任か 【2014年10月20日】

A government source said on Saturday that the Economy, Trade and Industry Minister intends to resign over allegations


スコットランドが住民投票で独立を否決 【2014年09月22日】

Scotland decided to remain part of the United Kingdom in a historic referendum on Friday,


イスラム国に対抗するため首脳がパリに集結 【2014年09月16日】

Representatives of more than 20 nations gathered in Paris on Monday to discuss strategies against the militant group Islamic State,


日本の首相が最多タイの5人の女性閣僚を任命 【2014年09月05日】

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe reshuffled his Cabinet on Wednesday, appointing a record-tying five female ministers in line with his economic policy


地方議員が記者会見で号泣 【2014年07月07日】

A local assemblyman in Western Japan burst into tears at a news conference on Tuesday when he was accused of dubious expenses for frequent one-day business trips


日本の内閣が集団的自衛権を承認 【2014年07月02日】

Japan's Cabinet approved a decision on Tuesday to reinterpret war-renouncing Article 9 of the Constitution to allow the nation


東京都議会に性差別ヤジで 非難が殺到 【2014年06月23日】

The Tokyo metropolitan assembly has been inundated with outraged e-mails and calls over sexist jeers repeatedly interrupting a woman member


北朝鮮が拉致問題の再調査へ 【2014年06月02日】

The Japanese government revealed on Thursday that North Korea agreed to reinvestigate the abductions of Japanese nationals


オバマ氏が尖閣を安保の適用対象と発言 【2014年04月28日】

At a briefing with the Japanese Prime Minister in Tokyo, U.S. President Barack Obama clearly stated the disputed Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea fall


日本が中国による貨物船押収に遺憾の意 【2014年04月22日】

The Chief Cabinet Secretary expressed regret on Monday over a Shanghai court's sudden seizure of a Japanese vessel


みんなの党代表が融資不祥事で辞任へ 【2014年04月09日】

The leader of the opposition Your Party announced his intention to step down on Monday over 800 million yen loans he received from the chairman of a cosmetics company


G7首脳がG8首脳会議に不参加 【2014年03月26日】

The Group of Seven industrialized nations announced on Monday that they will boycott a G8 summit scheduled for June in Sochi


橋下市長が低い投票率で再選 【2014年03月25日】

Toru Hashimoto, who is promoting the Osaka metropolis plan, was re-elected in the Osaka mayoral election on Sunday amid a record low voter turnout


露がウクライナ武力行使の権利を留保 【2014年03月05日】

Russian President Vladimir Putin told reporters on Tuesday that the use of force in Ukraine would be a last resort, reserving the right to use all means


TPP交渉が合意なしで終了 【2014年02月26日】

Ministers from 12 nations including Japan and the United States on Tuesday failed to reach a broad agreement in the latest round


ウクライナ大統領代行がEU加盟に意欲 【2014年02月25日】

Ukraine's new interim president said on Sunday he will seek to integrate the country into the European Union


舛添氏が東京都知事選に勝利 【2014年02月11日】

Former health minister Yoichi Masuzoe backed by the ruling bloc won a landslide victory in the Tokyo gubernatorial election on Sunday,


大阪市長が再選を求めて辞職を発表 【2014年02月04日】

The mayor of Osaka City announced on Monday that he will resign from his post and run for re-election to gain further public support


米軍反対派が名護市長に再選 【2014年01月21日】

The 68-year-old incumbent mayor of Nago City, Okinawa Prefecture, who opposes the planned relocation of the U.S. Marine Corps' Futenma Air Station to his city,


細川元首相が都知事選出馬へ 【2014年01月15日】

Former Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa, an anti-nuclear advocate, said on Tuesday that he will run in the Tokyo gubernatorial election next month


猪瀬知事の辞職を都議会が了承 【2013年12月25日】

The Tokyo metropolitan assembly on Tuesday approved the resignation of Governor Naoki Inose over his receipt of 50 million yen


金正恩氏の叔父が裏切り者として処刑 【2013年12月17日】

North Korea reported on Friday that Kim Jong Un's uncle was executed for planning a coup,


江田氏が新党創設でみんなの党を離党 【2013年12月11日】

Former Secretary General of the opposition Your Party Kenji Eda on Monday deserted the party with 13 other members


日本が国家秘密保護法案を可決 【2013年12月09日】

Japan's parliament on Friday enacted a controversial state secrecy bill that will impose stiffer penalties on leakers of state secrets


東京都知事が金銭不祥事をめぐって謝罪 【2013年12月03日】

Tokyo Governor Naoki Inose apologized on Friday for receiving 50 million yen from a scandal-hit hospital organization


小泉元首相が原発ゼロを要請 【2013年11月06日】

Former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi on Sunday defended his "zero nuclear" stance, urging the government to phase out nuclear power generation


参議院議員が天皇陛下への手紙で非難の的 【2013年11月05日】

Upper House lawmaker Taro Yamamoto is under fire for having handed the Emperor a letter of concern over the issue of the Fukushima radiation


政府が4月の消費税引き上げ発表 【2013年10月02日】

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced on Tuesday the government will raise the consumption tax from the current 5 percent to 8 percent in April as scheduled,


キャロライン・ケネディ氏が駐日米大使に意欲 【2013年09月23日】

Caroline Kennedy, the only living child of the slain president, said that she would be humbled to carry forward her father's legacy


オバマ大統領がシリアに関するロシア提案を歓迎 【2013年09月11日】

U.S. President Barack Obama welcomed Russia's proposal on Monday for the Syrian government to put its chemical weapons under international control


韓国の野党議員らが竹島に上陸 【2013年08月14日】

South Korean opposition lawmakers on Tuesday landed on the Takeshima Islands in the Sea of Japan that are controlled by their country


麻生副総理がナチス発言で 辞任を拒否 【2013年08月05日】

Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso refused to resign on Friday over comments he made, which suggested that Japan should learn


参院選で自民党が圧勝 【2013年07月23日】

The Liberal Democratic Party and its coalition partner New Komeito secured a comfortable majority in Sunday's Upper House election,


自動車の街デトロイトが破産を申請 【2013年07月22日】

The city of Detroit filed for the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history on Thursday


オバマ氏が南ア訪問中にマンデラ氏の家族と面会 【2013年07月01日】

U.S. President Barack Obama visited the family of former South African President Nelson Mandela, the 94-year-old anti-apartheid hero


復興庁担当者が 中傷ツイートで非難の的 【2013年06月17日】

A Reconstruction Agency official in charge of supporting the Fukushima disaster victims drew fire on Thursday for posting abusive tweets


米中首脳会談がカリフォルニアの保養地で終了 【2013年06月11日】

U.S. President Barack Obama on Saturday wrapped up an unusually informal two-day summit with Chinese President Xi Jinping


政府が「女性手帳」の配布を中止 【2013年05月29日】

The government on Tuesday decided to withdraw its unpopular plan to hand out to young women leaflets intended to teach them


飯島参与が北朝鮮で拉致問題を議論 【2013年05月20日】

Cabinet advisor Isao Iijima, who was apparently dispatched to Pyongyang to discuss the abduction issue with North Korean officials,


大阪市長が慰安婦制は必要だったと発言 【2013年05月15日】

Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto, co-leader of the Japan Restoration Party, said on Monday he believes the system to force women into sexual slavery during World War II was needed


韓国外相が靖国神社をめぐって東京訪問を中止 【2013年04月23日】

South Korea's foreign minister on Monday cancelled a trip to Tokyo to protest visits by Japanese Cabinet ministers


元英国首相、マーガレット・サッチャー氏死去 【2013年04月09日】

Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, the nation's first female leader dubbed the "Iron Lady" during her three terms from 1979 to 1990,


北朝鮮が韓国と戦争状態に 【2013年04月01日】

North Korea announced on Saturday it is in a "state of war" with South Korea, threatening to shut down the Kaesong industrial zone,


広島地裁が12月の選挙を無効と判断 【2013年03月26日】

The Hiroshima High Court ruled on Monday that the results of last December's Lower House election in two districts in Hiroshima Prefecture are invalid


キプロスが月曜未明に金融支援を確保 【2013年03月25日】

Cyprus secured a 10-billion-euro bailout in an emergency meeting among eurozone finance ministers early on Monday,


TPPに関する日米表明を発表 【2013年02月25日】

The Japan-U.S. statement confirmed on Friday that Tokyo is not required to pledge to unilaterally eliminate all tariffs


日本が中国レーダー照射のデータ開示を検討 【2013年02月12日】

Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera said on Saturday the government is considering releasing data that prove the use of fire-control radar


安倍首相の所信表明は経済が焦点 【2013年01月29日】

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Monday focused his policy speech on Japan's economic recovery in the first regular Diet session



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