サンゴの密漁に日本が警告 【2014年11月10日】
The Japanese government on Wednesday urged Beijing to take measures against Chinese fishermen poaching
最高裁が「マタハラ」判決を棄却 【2014年10月27日】
Japan's Supreme Court on Thursday overruled a lower court's decision, saying it is illegal, in principle, for an employer to demote a woman
17歳のマララさんがノーベル平和賞を受賞 【2014年10月13日】
Malala Yousafzai, the 17-year-old Muslim girl from Pakistan who survived a Taliban attack in 2012, became the youngest Nobel Peace Prize winner
店主が万引き犯の顔を公開すると警告 【2014年08月13日】
A second-hand store in Tokyo is stirring a controversy as its manager has threatened to post a shoplifter's face on the Internet unless he returns the tin animation figurine
日本人男性がタイで13人を代理出産させる 【2014年08月11日】
Thai police said on Friday a Japanese man fathered at least 13 babies in the past two years
血縁のない父子関係を最高裁が支持 【2014年07月21日】
The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that legal paternity according to the Civil Code cannot be revoked even if DNA testing shows no biological relationship
飼い犬が熊の攻撃から少年を救済 【2014年06月30日】
A pet dog was being hailed a hero after saving the life of a five-year-old boy from a bear attack by chasing off the animal
スタジアムの清掃で日本のサッカーファンに称賛 【2014年06月19日】
Global media praised Japanese spectators for picking up trash in the stadium after their national team lost
「山の日」が国民の祝日に追加 【2014年05月26日】
The Japanese Diet passed a bill on Friday establishing Mountain Day on August 11 as its new public holiday
日本で男が3Dプリンター拳銃で逮捕 【2014年05月12日】
A 27-year-old man was arrested in Japan on Thursday on suspicion of possessing several plastic guns made with a 3D- printer
警視庁がオバマ氏来訪を控えて警備を強化 【2014年04月23日】
The Metropolitan Police Department is tightening security measures as U.S. President Barack Obama is scheduled to visit Japan from Wednesday through Friday
消費税引き上げ後に総理が買い物ざんまい 【2014年04月08日】
The Japanese Prime Minister went on a shopping spree on Saturday morning at an upscale department store in Tokyo in a move to encourage spending
服役期間が最長の死刑囚が釈放 【2014年03月31日】
A Japanese court granted a retrial to a 78-year-old man, the world's longest-serving death-row inmate, after the latest DNA tests undermined the evidence
政府がシッター紹介サイトの調査へ 【2014年03月24日】
The Japanese government will examine the operation of babysitting websites, following the arrest of a 26-year-old man
日本人拉致被害者の両親が孫娘に面会 【2014年03月19日】
The aging parents of a Japanese woman who was abducted by North Korean agents in 1977 met their granddaughter
NHK新会長が週末の発言を撤回 【2014年01月28日】
The new president of public broadcaster NHK on Monday retracted his weekend remarks on Japan's wartime role and other controversial issues,
死刑囚がオウム裁判で証言 【2014年01月22日】
A former Aum cult member on death row denied any intention to kill a notary public in the 1995 abduction at a lay judge trial of another former cult member
森元首相が東京五輪組織委員会の会長に 【2014年01月14日】
Former Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori has accepted a request to serve as head of the organizing committee for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics,
日本の天皇陛下が80歳に 【2013年12月24日】
On his 80th birthday on Monday, Japan's Emperor repeated his intention to do his official duties for a while,
皇太子さまが マンデラ氏の追悼式に出席予定 【2013年12月10日】
Japan's Crown Prince left Tokyo on Monday to attend the memorial service for former South African President Nelson Mandela,
新生児取り違えの男性が賠償を求め勝訴 【2013年12月02日】
A court ordered a Tokyo hospital on Nov. 26 to pay 38 million yen to a 60-year-old man in compensation for a mix-up at birth,
キャロライン・ケネディ氏が天皇陛下に謁見 【2013年11月20日】
Newly appointed U.S. Ambassador Caroline Kennedy presented Japan's emperor with her credentials at the Imperial Palace on Tuesday,
郵便料金が来年4月に値上げ 【2013年10月23日】
Japan Post Co. plans to raise the postage rate for postcards from the current 50 yen to 52 yen next April
踏切事故死の勇敢な女性が勲章を受章 【2013年10月07日】
The government decided on Friday to award a medal to a 40-year-old woman who perished earlier in the week while rescuing an elderly man
JR北海道の調査で脱線の原因判明 【2013年09月24日】
An investigation carried out by Hokkaido Railway Co. found that the track width exceeded the safety limit
4人に1人が65歳以上 【2013年09月17日】
The internal affairs ministry announced on the eve of Respect-For-The-Aged Day that a record-high 31.86 million people,
71%の日本人が生活に満足 【2013年08月13日】
A recent government poll showed that 71 percent of Japanese people are satisfied or somewhat satisfied with their current lives,
日本が政治的横断幕をめぐって韓国に抗議 【2013年07月31日】
The Japan Football Association lodged a protest on Monday against a politically charged banner hoisted by South Korean supporters
英ロイヤルベビーの誕生を世界のマスコミが歓迎 【2013年07月24日】
The world's media were in a frenzy on Monday outside St. Mary's Hospital in London following the birth of a baby boy, a future heir to the British throne,
トレイボン・マーティン事件の抗議が全米に波及 【2013年07月17日】
Protests have been held across the United States over the acquittal on Saturday of a defendant in the shooting death of unarmed black teenager
非正規雇用者の割合が過去最高を記録 【2013年07月15日】
The ratio of non-regular workers in Japan increased to a record-high 38.2 percent in 2012, according to a survey released on Friday
逃亡中のスノーデン氏がエクアドルに亡命申請 【2013年06月25日】
Former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, who disclosed U.S. surveillance programs, is expected to leave Moscow
「DJポリス」に日本全国から称賛 【2013年06月10日】
A Tokyo police officer is receiving applause for his witty comments that skillfully managed soccer fans at a busy intersection in Shibuya
送還の脱北者の中に拉致被害者の息子? 【2013年06月04日】
South Korea reported on Thursday that nine North Korean defectors, who were detained in Laos and sent back to Pyongyang,
首相公邸の幽霊話を政府が否定 【2013年05月28日】
The Japanese government on Friday formally denied rumors that the prime minister's official residence, i
「母さん助けて詐欺」が新名称に決定 【2013年05月14日】
The Metropolitan Police Department announced on Sunday that "Help me, mother fraud" was chosen as the new slogan
雅子さまがオランダ訪問から帰国 【2013年05月06日】
Crown Princess Masako, who has been receiving treatment for stress-related illness, returned to Tokyo on Friday morning
「アベノミクス」が高い支持率を享受 【2013年04月24日】
Polls showed on Monday that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is enjoying strong voter support as his "Abenomics" economic policies
長嶋氏と松井氏に国民栄誉賞 【2013年04月02日】
The government decided on Monday to bestow the People's Honor Award on Yomiuri Giants honorary manager Shigeo Nagashima
日本が3月11日の震災から2年 【2013年03月12日】
At a state-sponsored ceremony in Tokyo on Monday, Emperor and Empress, and some 1,200 others observed a minute of silence
大阪の世界最高齢の女性が115歳に 【2013年03月06日】
The world's oldest woman celebrated her 115th birthday on Tuesday with her favorite meal of mackerel sushi
北朝鮮が核実験を実施 【2013年02月13日】
North Korea announced on Tuesday afternoon that it successfully conducted an underground nuclear test,
公務員が退職金減額の前に駆け込み 【2013年01月28日】
A large number of teachers and other local public servants across Japan are rushing to quit their jobs
日米がドリームライナーのバッテリー業者を調査 【2013年01月23日】
Japanese and US authorities started on Monday a joint investigation into GS Yuasa, the manufacturer of the battery in Boeing's Dreamliner,
築地魚市場でクロマグロが最高値 【2013年01月08日】
A monster bluefin tuna sold on Saturday for a record-breaking price of 155.4 million yen in the year's first auction at Tokyo's Tsukiji fish market,