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首都圏で取水制限 【2012年09月12日】

The water intake from the Tone River was restricted on Tuesday by 10 percent as a lack of rain in the Kanto region lowered water levels


ニホンカワウソが絶滅種に指定 【2012年08月29日】

The Japanese river otter, which had been previously categorized as an endangered species and had not been seen for over 30 years, was officially declared extinct


ロシアのソユーズ宇宙船、ISSへ打ち上げ 【2012年07月17日】

A Russian Soyuz spacecraft carrying three astronauts including Japan's Akihiko Hoshide lifted off on Sunday morning from Kazakhstan


土曜日の真夜中にうるう秒を追加 【2012年07月02日】

A leap second was added to clocks at the end of the day on Saturday, making the day one second longer than usual


大型台風が本州を縦断 【2012年06月20日】

A powerful typhoon with heavy rains and strong winds passed through Japan's main island of Honshu on Tuesday, the Japan Meteorological Agency said, l


金星の太陽面通過を日本で観測 【2012年06月06日】

Sky watchers over a wide area of Japan could see on Wednesday morning the tiny black dot of Venus moving slowly across the face of the sun,


金環日食を太平洋岸で観測 【2012年05月22日】

An annular solar eclipse called "a ring of fire" eclipse was observed Monday morning over a large part of the Pacific coast side in Japan,


春の嵐が日本列島を縦断 【2012年04月04日】

A spring storm as powerful as a typhoon swept across Japan on Tuesday, causing casualties


海水温が上昇 【2012年02月15日】

The Meteorological Agency said on Monday seawater temperatures are rising at a pace of 0.02 degree every decade,


インフル患者が111万人に 【2012年01月30日】

The National Institute of Infectious Diseases reported on Friday that the number of influenza patients reached about 1.11 million


巨大地震が4年以内に東京直撃か 【2012年01月24日】

Researchers at Tokyo University warned on Monday that the chances of a magnitude-7 earthquake hitting the Tokyo metropolitan area within four years


皆既月食を日本で観測 【2011年12月12日】

Moon watchers across Japan observed a total lunar eclipse late Saturday night for 51 minutes,


古川宇宙飛行士が地球に無事帰還 【2011年11月23日】

A Russian Soyuz space capsule carrying three astronauts, including Satoshi Furukawa, safely touched down on a plain in Kazakhstan on Tuesday


13世紀の元寇船の残骸発見 【2011年10月25日】

Researchers announced on Monday they have discovered on the seafloor near Nagasaki Prefecture the wreck of a Mongolian ship


2011年技能五輪で日本がメダル19個を獲得 【2011年10月11日】

Over 1,000 young people took part in the four-day WorldSkills London 2011 starting from October 5th.


アジア最大のハイテク展が日本で開幕 【2011年10月05日】

Nearly 600 companies and groups from Japan and abroad have registered at Asia's biggest high-tech fair, the Combined Exhibition of Advanced Technologies (Ceatec) exhibition,


ノーベル医学生理学賞の受賞者が発表前に死亡 【2011年10月04日】

Canadian-born researcher Ralph Steinman, one of this year's Nobel Prize winners in Medicine, died of pancreatic cancer in Manhattan


人工衛星は太平洋に落下か 【2011年09月26日】

The US space agency said the 6.5-ton Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite is believed to have crashed in the Pacific Ocean on Saturday.


台風12号が西日本を直撃 【2011年09月05日】

Slow-moving typhoon Talas triggered massive floods and mudslides in western Japan including Shikoku Island over the weekend,


ハリケーン「アイリーン」が米東海岸を直撃 【2011年08月29日】

Hurricane Irene lashed the East Coast including New York City with strong winds and heavy rains on Sunday,


日本のスパコン「京」が世界最速に 【2011年06月21日】

Japan's K supercomputer, which can perform more than 8 quadrillion calculations per second, has won the title of the world's fastest machine


関電が今夏15%の節電要請 【2011年06月13日】

Kansai Electric Power Co. in Western Japan announced on Friday that it will ask its users to voluntarily cut power consumption by 15 percent during peak hours this summer


古川さん搭乗のソユーズ打ち上げ 【2011年06月08日】

A Russian Soyuz spacecraft successfully lifted off early on Wednesday, carrying Japan's physician-astronaut Satoshi Furukawa and two other crew members


台風2号が温帯低気圧に 【2011年05月30日】

Typhoon Songda, the first major storm of the season, was downgraded to a depression on Sunday as it churned northeast


日本の東京スカイツリーが高さ世界一の塔に 【2011年03月02日】

Tokyo Sky Tree, which will be completed in December, topped the 600-meter mark Tuesday to become the world's highest free-standing tower,


豪雪が首都圏を直撃 【2011年02月16日】

A heavy snowfall from Monday evening in the Tokyo metropolitan area caused over 100 people to suffer injuries


南日本の九州で火山噴火 【2011年01月31日】

The Shinmoedake volcano on the southern island of Kyushu has been erupting since last week,


日本各地の気温が過去最低記録に 【2011年01月19日】

A cold air mass with strong winds caused temperatures to drop to record lows over a wide area of Japan on Sunday,


コンピューターの故障でJR東日本の新幹線停止 【2011年01月18日】

A computer system failure halted bullet train lines of East Japan Railway Co. over an hour on Monday morning,


探査機あかつきが金星の軌道投入に失敗 【2010年12月08日】

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency said on Wednesday the country's first Venus probe Akatsuki failed in its mission,


探査機はやぶさで小惑星の微粒子を確認 【2010年11月17日】

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency confirmed on Tuesday that the Hayabusa space probe, which returned to Earth in June after a seven-year journey,


日本初の新耐性菌の症例が報告 【2010年09月07日】

The first case of the NDM-1 superbug infection has been reported at a university hospital in Tochigi Prefecture.


日本人男性が円周率を5兆桁まで計算 【2010年08月31日】

A 55-year-old engineer in Nagano Prefecture succeeded in calculating the circumference ratio to five trillion digits with a self-made personal computer,


熱中症で多数が病院へ搬送 【2010年08月19日】

Over 31,000 people were taken to hospital for heat stroke between May 31 and August 15 in Japan,


アイポッド・ナノに過熱の危険性 【2010年08月09日】

Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has ordered Apple to provide information on its website


日本人女性が25年連続で長寿世界一 【2010年07月27日】

Japanese women had the world's longest life expectancy for the 25th straight year in 2009, with an average life span


日本全国に熱波 【2010年07月22日】

The extreme heat wave continued to blanket large parts of Japan on Wednesday,


宇宙探査機はやぶさが地球に帰還 【2010年06月14日】

The unmanned Japanese space probe Hayabusa or Falcon, which may be the first to capture surface samples from an asteroid,


野口宇宙飛行士が地球に帰還 【2010年06月03日】

Japanese astronaut Soichi Noguchi with two colleagues landed safely in Kazakhstan on Wednesday aboard the Russian Soyuz spacecraft


日本の電気自動車が無充電で千キロ走破 【2010年05月26日】

An electric car in Japan broke a world record by running for more than 27 hours


西日本に大雨 【2010年05月25日】

Heavy rain caused by the low-pressure system hit wide areas of Western Japan on Monday,


人間のように死を弔うチンパンジー 【2010年04月27日】

Two new studies have found that chimpanzees, humanity's closest relatives, grieve a fellow's death


シャトル「ディスカバリー」打ち上げ成功 【2010年04月06日】

The US Space shuttle Discovery successfully lifted off from Kennedy Space Center and entered the Earth's orbit on Monday


日本が25%の炭素ガス削減目標を提出 【2010年01月27日】

Japan submitted on Tuesday to the United Nations its goal of cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent from 1990 levels by 2020


新型インフルのワクチン接種開始 【2009年10月20日】

Japan on Monday began vaccinating doctors and other medical workers against the H1N1 influenza in accordance with a priority list


台風18号が明日にも日本を直撃 【2009年10月07日】

The weather agency issued alerts for high winds, heavy rains and thunderstorms throughout southwestern Japan


サモア諸島で津波発生 【2009年09月30日】

A powerful tsunami in the Pacific Ocean caused by a magnitude 8.0 earthquake killed more than two dozen people


鳩山氏が排出量の25%削減を表明 【2009年09月08日】

Democratic Party leader Yukio Hatoyama, who is expected to become Japan's next prime minister,


気象庁の大地震警報が誤作動 【2009年08月26日】

The Meteorological Agency issued a false warning saying a powerful earthquake would jolt Tokyo and surrounding areas early Tuesday.


新型インフル予防情報提供へ 【2009年08月24日】

Japan's Health Ministry plans to give information on basic preventive measures against the H1N1 flu


ローソンがEV充電器を設置 【2009年08月05日】

Convenience store chain Lawson on Monday began installing chargers for electric vehicles at some of its franchise stores to be used for its own electric cars.


西日本で大雨続く 【2009年07月27日】

Torrential rains in northern Kyushu have left 10 people dead and 3 others missing since Friday.


皆既日食、雲でよく見えず 【2009年07月23日】

On the tiny southern island of Akuseki, where dense clouds blocked the total solar eclipse of 6 minutes and 25 seconds on Wednesday morning,


臓器移植法改正案が成立 【2009年07月15日】

Parliament on Monday passed a controversial bill that defines patients who are medically brain dead as legally dead.


エコポイントの対象商品リスト発表 【2009年06月23日】

The Japanese government released a list of 271 products and services Friday that can be exchanged for Eco-points, a system to stimulate purchase of eco-friendly goods.


広範囲でオタマジャクシの落下現象 【2009年06月19日】

People around Japan have reported witnessing a spate of incidents in which tadpoles appear to have fallen from the sky


西日本が梅雨入り 【2009年06月11日】

The Meteorological Agency announced on Tuesday morning that the rainy season started in Western Japan,


スペースシャトル打ち上げ成功 【2009年03月16日】

The US space shuttle Discovery smoothly lifted off Sunday evening from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida


レーシック患者が感染症に 【2009年02月26日】

Dozens of patients resulted in developing infectious diseases including a few serious cases after having had Lasik eye surgery at an ophthalmology clinic in Tokyo


二人目の日本人女性宇宙飛行士誕生 【2008年11月11日】

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency announced Tuesday that astronaut Naoko Yamazaki will be on the space shuttle Atlantis in February 2010 at the Kennedy Space Center,



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