東京スカイツリーが一般公開 【2012年05月23日】
Tokyo Skytree, the world's tallest broadcasting tower, officially opened to the public on Tuesday. Around 9000 selected guests went up to observation decks
AKB48が首都ワシントンの桜祭りで公演 【2012年03月28日】
Sixteen members of Japan's top-selling pop group AKB48 held a concert in Washington on Tuesday to celebrate the 100th anniversary
日本人ダンサーがスイスのコンクールで優勝 【2012年02月07日】
Japanese ballet dancer Madoka Sugai, 17, has returned home after winning the top prize on Saturday at the Lausanne international ballet competition
石原都知事が芥川賞選考委員を辞任 【2012年01月23日】
Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara announced on Wednesday his intent to resign as a judge for Akutagawa Award, Japan's most prestigious prize for literature,
「絆」が2011年を象徴する漢字に 【2011年12月15日】
The Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation announced on Monday that the Chinese character "kizuna" (the bond) was selected
ミシュランが関西地区を高く評価 【2011年10月19日】
The Michelin Guide awarded top three-star ratings to another three restaurants in Kansai region, which covers Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe and newly added Nara,
島田紳助が芸能界を引退 【2011年08月24日】
Shinsuke Shimada, a big celebrity in Japan, abruptly quit showbiz on Tuesday after text messages came to light
平泉が世界文化遺産に登録 【2011年06月27日】
The ancient Buddhist temples and landscape of Hiraizumi, Iwate Prefecture, were recognized on Saturday as a UNESCO World Heritage cultural site
3分の1の米国人が過去のつぶやきを後悔 【2011年06月20日】
According to a new survey of 1,000 Americans, one in three respondents say they have later regretted something they tweeted
「超クールビズ」開始 【2011年06月01日】
It has been revealed that the evacuation of a smoke-filled limited express train in a Hokkaido tunnel Friday night was delayed
元キャンディーズの田中好子さんを追悼 【2011年04月26日】
More than 2,000 mourners, including celebrities and fans, on Monday attended the funeral of popular actress and former girl pop trio Candies singer Yoshiko Tanaka,
「英国王のスピーチ」がアカデミー賞で4冠 【2011年03月01日】
"The King's Speech", a British film about King George VI, the stammering ruler of England, won four Oscars including Best Picture and Best Director
B'zの松本がグラミー賞を受賞 【2011年02月15日】
Takahiro Matsumoto, Japanese guitarist in the rock duo B'z, on Sunday won the Best Pop Instrumental Album category at the 53rd Annual Grammy Awards
さっぽろ雪まつりが観光客に人気 【2011年02月09日】
The annual Sapporo Snow Festival on Japan's northern island of Hokkaido, which started in 1950, has 245 snow and ice sculptures on display,
日本の新年ツイートが新記録を樹立 【2011年01月10日】
Four seconds after midnight in Japan on New Year's Day, Japanese Twitter users set a new all-time record of 6,939 tweets per second,
大阪で干支の引き継ぎ式 【2010年12月27日】
An annual year-end ceremony was held at the Tsutenkaku Tower in Osaka on Monday. A tiger cub, this year's zodiac symbol, was led onto a stage
東京がミシュランの3つ星レストラン数堂々一位 【2010年11月25日】
Tokyo has retained the top spot in terms of the number of three-starred restaurants, according to the latest Michelin Guide Tokyo,
二人のノーベル賞受賞者が文化勲章を受章 【2010年10月27日】
The government awarded on Tuesday the Order of Culture, the country's top cultural award, for the current fiscal year, to seven people
深津絵里さんがモントリオールで最優秀女優賞 【2010年09月08日】
Actress Eri Fukatsu won the best actress award at the 34th Montreal World Film Festival in Canada on Monday for her role in the Japanese film "Villain",
『ザ・コーヴ』が抗議を抑えて日本で上映開始 【2010年06月22日】
'The Cove', the Oscar-winning documentary about a dolphin hunt in a western Japanese town of Taiji, will be shown in the country from July
160万人の生徒が全国学力テストを受験 【2010年04月21日】
More than 1.6 million students at elementary and junior high schools across Japan took this year's national achievement tests on Tuesday,
タイのデモ取材カメラマンの最後の撮影映像公開 【2010年04月13日】
Reuters Japan has released some of the last footage filmed by its cameraman, Hiroyuki Muramoto,
寺島さんがベルリン映画祭で最優秀女優賞 【2010年02月22日】
Japanese actress Shinobu Terajima won the Silver Bear for Best Actress for her role in director Koji Wakamatsu's "Caterpillar"
貴乃花が理事に当選 【2010年02月02日】
Reform-minded former yokozuna grand champion Takanohana was elected in a major upset as one of the 10 members
ミシュランが京都と大阪の料亭に三つ星 【2009年10月14日】
Michelin unveiled on Tuesday its new Japan restaurant guide focusing on the western cities of Kyoto and Osaka,
Mジャクソンが感じていた幼少期の名声の重圧 【2009年06月30日】
Michael Jackson, who died Thursday in Los Angeles at the age of 50, had spoken repeatedly about the extreme pressures of childhood celebrity,
全盲の日本人ピアニストが米コンクールで共同優勝 【2009年06月10日】
Nobuyuki Tsujii, a 20-year-old blind pianist from Tokyo, became a co-winner of the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition in the US state of Texas.
日本映画「おくりびと」がオスカー受賞 【2009年02月24日】
Japan's "Departures," a film depicting a cellist who becomes a funeral professional, won the Best Foreign Language Film prize at the 81st Academy Awards on Sunday
伊の日本人女優がつらい経験を告白 【2009年02月04日】
A 26-year-old Japanese actress, who grew up in Rome and has landed a leading role in a popular Italian TV drama series,
東京タワー50周年 【2008年12月24日】
The Tokyo Tower, a symbol of Japan's post-war economic growth, was lit like a Christmas tree Tuesday evening
第3のビールが人気 【2008年12月11日】
Japanese consumers keen to save a few yen are shifting to third category beer, whose rough price of a 350-milliliter can is at 140 yen,
今年の文化勲章を6人が受章 【2008年11月04日】
Japan's Emperor awarded this year's Order of Cultural Merit to six of the eight recipients, including co-winners of this year's Nobel Prize in physics and orchestra conductor Seiji Ozawa,