日本の失業率が4.3パーセントに改善 【2012年07月31日】
The Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry reported on Tuesday that Japan's jobless rate in June improved slightly to 4.3 percent
ギリシャの選挙結果に安堵感 【2012年06月19日】
The narrow victory of the pro-austerity New Democracy in Sunday's Greek election brought relief in the world as Greece is likely to stay in the Euro zone,
ユーロ圏債務危機で石油が8ヶ月ぶりの安値 【2012年06月13日】
Oil prices hit an eight-month low on Tuesday amid growing concerns that a eurozone plan to bail out ailing Spanish banks won't be sufficient
フェイスブックを株主が提訴 【2012年05月24日】
Facebook Inc, the world's largest social networking firm, was sued on Wednesday by shareholders
パナソニックが洗髪ロボットを開発 【2012年04月10日】
Japan's electronics manufacturer Panasonic is developing a hair-washing robot and hopes to put it on sale to barber shops and beauty salons
第3世代iPadの販売が300万台突破 【2012年03月20日】
Apple announced on Monday that the company has already sold more than three million new iPads on the market in only four days
ユニクロが世界最大の店舗を銀座に開店 【2012年03月19日】
The world's largest Uniqlo store opened in Tokyo's high-end Ginza district on Friday morning.
AIJに業務停止命令 【2012年02月27日】
The Financial Services Agency on Friday ordered AIJ Investment Advisors Co. to suspend all operations for a month
ドル上昇、6ヶ月ぶりの80円台に 【2012年02月22日】
On the Tokyo Foreign Exchange, the U.S. dollar climbed above the 80-yen level on Wednesday afternoon
米ファストフード、ウェンディーズが日本に再進出 【2011年12月28日】
U.S. fast-food chain Wendy's made its grand opening of the first joint-venture restaurant in Japan on Tuesday in Tokyo's Omotesando area
人気の「緑茶」石鹸で小麦アレルギー 【2011年11月16日】
A popular mail-order face soap called Cha no Shizuku (Drop of Tea) has caused 471 people to develop a wheat allergy including serious symptoms,
日本がTPP協議開始へ 【2011年11月14日】
Japan's Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda officially announced on Sunday that Japan will begin talks with countries involved in the Trans-Pacific Partnership
オリンパス、損失の隠ぺいを認める 【2011年11月09日】
The president of Japanese camera and medical equipment maker Olympus admitted on Tuesday it used funds for corporate buyouts to cover huge investment losses
パナソニックが巨額の最終赤字を予測 【2011年11月01日】
Japanese electronics maker Panasonic forecast on Monday a huge net loss of 420 billion yen this year due to a soaring yen,
国が武器納入業者に調査を要請 【2011年09月21日】
Japan's defense ministry urged the country's largest arms supplier, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, to investigate the cyber attacks on its computer network
東電株主総会で脱原発提案を否決 【2011年06月29日】
At Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s annual general meeting on Tuesday, shareholders grilled management over the handling of the crisis at the Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant but voted down a proposal
サブウェイが飲食チェーン世界一に 【2011年03月08日】
U.S. sandwich chain Subway has surpassed McDonald's to become the world's largest fast-food franchise in terms of the number of stores,
グーグルが電子書籍販売サイトを開設 【2010年12月07日】
Internet search giant Google entered the fast-growing online book business with a long-awaited digital bookstore
日本が金利を実質ゼロに 【2010年10月06日】
Bank of Japan Governor Masaaki Shirakawa told a news conference on Tuesday that the central bank has decided to cut interest rates to near zero
菅総理の代表選勝利で円が15年ぶりの高値 【2010年09月15日】
The Japanese yen surged to a 15-year high on Tuesday after Prime Minister Naoto Kan survived a leadership challenge,
破たんした興銀が払い戻しの受け付け開始 【2010年09月13日】
The failed Incubator Bank of Japan resumed its business on Monday to accept refund requests at some of its branches under the deposit protection scheme,
円が15年ぶりの高値から後退 【2010年08月25日】
The Japanese yen dropped from a 15-year high against the US dollar on Wednesday amid speculation that Japanese authorities will act to protect its economy
牛丼チェーンが価格戦争を激化 【2010年07月29日】
Three major beef-on-rice restaurant chains, Sukiya, Yoshinoya, and Matsuya, started selling their regular-sized bowls at discounted prices below the 300 yen mark
米アップルがiPhone4を発表 【2010年06月08日】
Apple CEO Steve Jobs introduced on Monday iPhone 4, the newest version of the company's popular smartphone,
米トヨタ公聴会で社長が証言へ 【2010年02月24日】
Toyota's president, Akio Toyoda, is scheduled to testify at a US congressional hearing on Wednesday on the massive recalls of 8.5 million vehicles
日本経済、中国をかわし世界第二位を保持 【2010年02月15日】
Japan retained its title as the world's second biggest economy in 2009 ahead of surging China,
キリンがサントリーとの合併交渉を打ち切り 【2010年02月08日】
Japanese drink giant Kirin said on Monday it had ended months-long merger talks with its smaller rival Suntory
トヨタが海外で大規模リコール発表 【2010年02月01日】
Japanese auto giant Toyota Motor has announced a massive vehicle recalls in the United States,
国交相が日航への更正法を提示 【2010年01月12日】
Japan's Transport Minister Seiji Maehara met with Japan Airline Corporation's major creditor banks on Tuesday
日本郵政の新社長を内閣が任命 【2009年10月21日】
Former top Finance Ministry official Jiro Saito is likely to become president of Japan Post succeeding Yoshifumi Nishikawa,
日本が不況を脱出 【2009年08月17日】
Japan's gross domestic product grew 3.7 percent on an annualized basis from April to June this year, marking the first rise from the previous quarter in 15 months.
キリンとサントリーが統合を計画 【2009年07月14日】
Japan's rival brewers Kirin and Suntory started negotiating a tie-up aimed at surviving the shrinking beer market amid the low birthrate and aging society.
公取委が値引き販売許可を7-イレブンに命令 【2009年06月24日】
The Fair Trade Commission on Monday ordered Seven-Eleven Japan Co., the nation's biggest convenience store chain,
200件上回る脱税を摘発 【2009年06月18日】
National tax authorities uncovered over 200 tax evasion cases across Japan, amounting to 35 billion yen, in their compulsory inspections in fiscal 2008.
GMが経営破綻 【2009年06月02日】
General Motors Corp. filed for bankruptcy protection on Monday after years of losses and market share declines.
漢検協会に文科省の立ち入り検査 【2009年02月10日】
The Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing foundation, whose management decisions have mostly been made by the board chairman and his son, was inspected
一部企業が不況下で最高益達成 【2009年02月09日】
While many Japanese companies are posting huge losses amid the global recession, one out of ten firms listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is making record profits
G社のストリートビューに相次ぐ非難 【2009年02月05日】
Google's Street View service, which allows users to navigate through street-level photographs on the Internet,
労働時間が1800時間未満に減少 【2009年02月03日】
Per-capita working hours at Japanese companies in 2008 fell below 1,800 hours, a numerical target the Japanese government once set to improve labor conditions.
デパートの売り上げが下落 【2009年01月20日】
Nationwide sales at department stores in 2008 fell below those of convenience stores for the first time since convenience stores opened in Japan some 40 years ago,
築地市場への観光客受け入れ再開 【2009年01月19日】
The Tsukiji market, Japan's largest fish market in Tokyo, resumed admitting sightseers on Monday to observe the famous tuna auction after a month-long shutout
JAMAが東京モーターショー中止を否定 【2009年01月14日】
The Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association ruled out the possibility of a cancellation of this year's Tokyo motor show
日本が景気後退局面へ 【2008年11月17日】
Data released by the Cabinet Office on Monday showed Japan fell into a recession in the July-September period,
アイフォーン発売 【2008年07月14日】
The much awaited Apple Inc "iPhone" finally went on sale in a Tokyo store Friday five hours ahead of other stores across Japan,