岸田首相の演説先で爆発物【Security Concerns Surge Amid Attacks on Japanese Politicians】
A series of violent incidents targeting Japanese politicians, including an episode where an explosive device was thrown near Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, has raised concerns about security measures and political safety, especially during election campaigns when VIPs are most vulnerable. Improved security is needed to address these challenges.
日本でのWBC人気、米国の無関心と対照的【WBC popularity in Japan contrasted with US indifference】
The World Baseball Classic was hugely popular in Japan, but garnered little interest in the United States. TV director Dave Spector criticized the WBC’s limited global appeal. A player’s injury during the event sparked debates on its significance and timing in the country, with mixed opinions on its value.
日韓関係が改善へ【Improving Japan-South Korea relations through diplomacy】
South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol’s visit to Tokyo marks a positive shift in Japan-South Korea relations. Diplomats and politicians from both countries have been working together to address ongoing issues and improve bilateral ties. Japan and South Korea continue their diplomatic efforts to find a solution that benefits both nations.
日本が地震と津波から12年目を迎える【Japan marks 12th anniversary of earthquake and tsunami】
Japan commemorated 12 years since the Great East Japan Earthquake that killed over 15,000 people and displaced 31,000. The nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, along with controversial cleanup plans and nuclear energy policy changes, are ongoing concerns.
東京海上が社員の強制的転勤を終了へ【Tokio Marine to end forced employee transfers】
Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance will no longer decide on intra-company transfers without employees’ consent by 2026, in an attempt to improve job satisfaction and recruit younger talent. The new rule will apply to its 6,000 Global Course employees.
日本がコロナの分類引き下げと制限緩和へ【Japan to downgrade COVID-19 status and ease restrictions】
Japan will downgrade COVID-19’s legal status to Class 5 on May 8, easing restrictions on social and economic activities. The Prime Minister said the government would continue to bear the cost of medical services, and no mandatory mask-wearing rules will be imposed. Non-residents may enter without PCR tests or quarantine.
日本がフィリピンの容疑者ら引き渡しを要請【Japan requests extradition of suspects in Philippines】
Several Japanese nationals are being detained at an immigration facility in the Philippines, and police in Japan have requested that they be returned to Japan to face charges for a string of robberies. One of the suspects may have to be prosecuted in the Philippines before he can be extradited.
ローソンが販売期限切れ品を寄贈【Lawson pilot program tackles food loss, childhood poverty】
A Tokyo branch of the national convenience store chain Lawson is donating food that is past its sell-by time to a cafeteria that serves children from needy families. This addresses the issues of food loss and children going hungry due to poverty.
共通テスト不正対策【Test-taking security measures】
As university entrance exams get underway, test-taking venues are enforcing stricter security measures, including requiring examinees to show their phones, switch them off and put them away, as well as banning earphones. These follow a case last year in which a student sent a photo of a question via Skype.
消費者庁がステマ広告を規制へ【Consumer Affairs Agency aims to regulate “stealth marketing”】
Recently, advertisers are more frequently hiding their identities by disguising ads as “personal recommendations” for products or services on social media platforms and elsewhere. The Consumer Affairs Agency released a report calling for regulations, including clear labeling of ads so as not to deceive consumers.