2012-12-19 / 最終更新日 : 2019-05-15 Aki@英語ニュース 社会 日本人男性が115歳で世界最高齢に【Japanese man becomes world’s oldest person at 115】 A 115-year-old Japanese man, who lives in Kyoto, Western Japan, was on Tuesday officially recognized as the oldest person in the world.
2012-12-18 / 最終更新日 : 2019-05-15 Aki@英語ニュース 政治 衆議院選の投票率が戦後最低を記録【Polling rate in Lower House election hits postwar low】 The Internal Affairs Ministry said on Monday that the voter turnout in Sunday’s Lower House election marked a new postwar low of 59.32 percent.
2012-12-17 / 最終更新日 : 2019-05-15 Aki@英語ニュース 政治 民主党が総選挙で惨敗を喫す【DPJ suffers crushing defeat in general election】 The largest opposition Liberal Democratic Party scored a landslide victory in Sunday’s general election, while the ruling Democratic Party of Japan suffered a crushing defeat that reduced its seats to 57 from 230.
2012-12-13 / 最終更新日 : 2019-05-16 Aki@英語ニュース 復習シリーズ 今週の復習283【Weekly Review 283】 復習の穴埋めテストをやってみましょう。 1. Otani chooses Nippon Ham Fighters over MLB 2. Fault under Tsuruga plant likely active 3. Math, science scores for Japanese children improving
2012-12-12 / 最終更新日 : 2019-05-15 Aki@英語ニュース 社会 日本の生徒の数学と理科の得点が向上【Math, science scores for Japanese children improving】 Japanese schoolchildren have improved their scores in math and science over the past four years, the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study showed on Tuesday.
2012-12-11 / 最終更新日 : 2019-05-15 Aki@英語ニュース 自然環境 敦賀原発下の断層が活断層の可能性【Fault under Tsuruga plant likely active】 A team of seismologists concluded on Monday that a fault under the Tsuruga nuclear power plant is likely to be active, which would make the resumption of its reactors difficult.
2012-12-10 / 最終更新日 : 2019-05-15 Aki@英語ニュース スポーツ 大谷が米大リーグより日本ハムファイターズを選択【Otani chooses Nippon Ham Fighters over MLB】 Prized high school right-hander Shohei Otani announced on Sunday that he has decided to join Japan’s Nippon Ham Fighters, reversing his earlier decision to go straight to Major League Baseball.
2012-12-06 / 最終更新日 : 2019-05-16 Aki@英語ニュース 復習シリーズ 今週の復習282【Weekly Review 282】 復習の穴埋めテストをやってみましょう。 1. Expressway tunnel collapses in eastern Japan 2. Napoleon’s coded letter sells at Paris auction 3. Lower House election campaigning kicks off
2012-12-05 / 最終更新日 : 2019-05-15 Aki@英語ニュース 政治 衆議院選挙戦が公示【Lower House election campaigning kicks off】 Campaigning for the Dec. 16 Lower House election officially kicked off on Tuesday, with some 1,500 candidates expected to run for 480-seats.
2012-12-04 / 最終更新日 : 2019-05-15 Aki@英語ニュース 歴史文化 ナポレオンの暗号文がパリの競売で落札【Napoleon’s coded letter sells at Paris auction】 A secret code letter written in 1812 by French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte vowing to “blow up Moscow’s Kremlin” sold for 187,500 euros, 10 times the expected price, on Sunday at Paris auction.
2012-12-03 / 最終更新日 : 2019-05-15 Aki@英語ニュース 事件事故 東日本で高速道路のトンネル崩落【Expressway tunnel collapses in eastern Japan】 The ceiling of an expressway tunnel in eastern Japan caved in on Sunday morning, crushing vehicles and killing at least five people trapped inside their burning cars.
2012-11-29 / 最終更新日 : 2019-05-16 Aki@英語ニュース 復習シリーズ 今週の復習281【Weekly Review 281】 復習の穴埋めテストをやってみましょう。 1. Hostage-taker arrested in bank standoff 2. Year-end lottery tickets go on sale across Japan 3. Shiga governor to launch new party