2015-06-15 / 最終更新日 : 2020-01-28 Aki@英語ニュース 歴史文化 国税庁が 「日本酒」の定義へ【Tax Agency to define “Japanese sake”】 The National Tax Agency plans to define “Japanese sake” as a home-brewed alcoholic drink made from local ingredients in order to differentiate it from foreign-made sake.
2015-06-10 / 最終更新日 : 2019-04-16 Aki@英語ニュース 復習シリーズ 今週の復習376【Weekly Review 376】 復習の穴埋めテストをやってみましょう。 1. Powerful quake strikes off Japan’s coast 2. Japan’s pension system hacked 3. MERS deaths rise to five in South Korea
2015-06-08 / 最終更新日 : 2020-01-28 Aki@英語ニュース 社会 MERSの死者が韓国で5人に増加【MERS deaths rise to five in South Korea】 South Korea said on Sunday that a 75-year-old man died of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome or MERS, bringing the total of deaths to five since its outbreak last month.
2015-06-03 / 最終更新日 : 2020-01-28 Aki@英語ニュース 事件事故 日本の年金システムがハッキング被害【Japan’s pension system hacked】 The Japan Pension Service said on Monday the personal information of pension subscribers has been leaked in more than a million cases after its computers came under a cyber-attack.
2015-06-01 / 最終更新日 : 2020-01-28 Aki@英語ニュース 自然環境 大地震が日本の沖を直撃【Powerful quake strikes off Japan’s coast】 A magnitude 8.1 earthquake struck off the coast of Japan on Saturday evening, although it occurred far beneath the earth’s surface and did not generate a tsunami warning.
2015-05-27 / 最終更新日 : 2019-04-16 Aki@英語ニュース 復習シリーズ 今週の復習375【Weekly Review 375】 復習の穴埋めテストをやってみましょう。 1. Osaka voters turn down metropolis plan 2. New stadium to remain roofless during Tokyo Olympics 3. Japan aquariums to stop buying dolphins from drive hunt
2015-05-25 / 最終更新日 : 2020-01-28 Aki@英語ニュース 社会 水族館が追い込み漁のイルカ購入停止へ【Japan aquariums to stop buying dolphins from drive hunt】 Japan’s aquariums decided on Wednesday to stop acquiring dolphins caught in controversial drive hunts off the town of Taiji in western Japan after a global zoo body criticized the practice as cruel.
2015-05-20 / 最終更新日 : 2020-01-28 Aki@英語ニュース スポーツ 東京五輪の新競技場が屋根なしに【New stadium to remain roofless during Tokyo Olympics】 Japan’s sports minister said on Monday that the main stadium for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics should delay its plan to install a retractable roof as the government runs short of money and time.
2015-05-19 / 最終更新日 : 2020-01-28 Aki@英語ニュース 政治 大阪の有権者が都構想を却下【Osaka voters turn down metropolis plan】 Voters rejected by a small margin the Osaka metropolis plan to convert the city of Osaka into five special wards in a local referendum on Sunday.
2015-05-13 / 最終更新日 : 2019-05-03 Aki@英語ニュース 復習シリーズ 今週の復習374【Weekly Review 374】 復習の穴埋めテストをやってみましょう。 1. Man arrested for landing drone on prime minister’s office 2. Quake relief workers dispatched to Nepal 3. Monkey Charlotte retains her name
2015-05-11 / 最終更新日 : 2020-01-26 Aki@英語ニュース 社会 サルのシャーロットが名前を保持【Monkey Charlotte retains her name】 A zoo in southwestern Japan decided not to change the name of a monkey on Friday despite being flooded with complaints from the public over naming her Charlotte after Britain’s newborn princess.
2015-04-29 / 最終更新日 : 2020-01-26 Aki@英語ニュース 自然環境 地震の救助隊がネパールに派遣【Quake relief workers dispatched to Nepal】 About 70 disaster relief workers from Japan were dispatched to Nepal on Monday to provide rescue and assistance following the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that has killed over 4000 people.