黒塗りの芸人を売り物にした日本のテレビ番組が激しい非難の的に【Japanese TV show featuring blackface comedian sparks outrage】
A Japanese TV program on New Year’s Eve has come under fire after a comedian showed up with his face painted black to impersonate Eddie Murphy. A US columnist argued on Twitter that black people were not a punchline nor a prop.
ローズ・マッゴーワンが ゴールデン・グローブ賞で黒を着用する女優陣を批判【Rose McGowan slams actresses who plan to wear black at Golden Globes】
American actress Rose McGowan slammed Meryl Streep and other actresses who are planning to wear black at the Golden Globe awards in a silent protest against sexual harassment, claiming that she despises their hypocrisy.
女性宮司が相続権をめぐって弟に殺害される【Japanese priestess killed by younger brother over succession rights】
A former chief priest at a shrine in Tokyo fatally stabbed his older sister, the chief priestess, before committing a suicide on Thursday night. He had warned in a letter to its officials that he would haunt them as a vengeful ghost if they don’t dismiss her.