アイドルグループのメンバーがわいせつ行為で事務所を退職【Pop group member leaves talent agency over indecent act】
The Johnny & Associates talent agency terminated its contract on Sunday with a former member of all-male pop group TOKIO over a high-profile incident. The 46-year-old bassist and singer was accused of molesting a high school girl at home in February.
財務省の役人がセクハラ疑惑をめぐって辞任【Finance ministry official steps down over sexual harassment allegations】
A high-ranking bureaucrat at the Finance Ministry resigned on Wednesday amid accusations that he made sexually harassing remarks to a female reporter. The allegations dealt a further blow to the scandal-ridden government.
トランプ氏が金正恩氏との首脳会談で拉致を取り上げると約束【Trump promises to raise abduction in summit with Kim Jong Un】
In a meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Florida on Tuesday, US President Donald Trump pledged to raise the abduction issue during a summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un expected by early June.