女性議員がLGBTの人々を生産性がないとみなして非難の的に【Female lawmaker under fire for calling LGBT people unproductive】
Thousands of people rallied on Saturday to call for the resignation of a female lawmaker from the ruling Liberal Democratic Party. She argued in a magazine article that the government should not use taxpayers’ money to support LGBT couples because they are unproductive.
酷暑が東京五輪への懸念を提起【Extreme heat raises concerns about Tokyo Olympics】
A record-breaking heatwave in Tokyo has raised questions about the timing of the next Summer Olympics, which are just two years away. Experts warned that the Games in similar conditions could pose health risks to athletes and spectators alike.
恒例の土用の丑の日にウナギのかば焼きや代替品【People eat grilled eels or substitutes on annual Day of Ox】
People in Japan treated themselves to grilled eels on the midsummer Day of the Ox, which fell on Friday this year, following an old saying that consuming the dish on that day helps in coping with the heat. Retailers also promoted mackerel and other foods as substitutes amid soaring prices for the endangered fish.
日本がEUとの経済連携協定に署名【Japan signs economic partnership agreement with EU】
Japan and the European Union on Tuesday signed an economic partnership agreement that will eliminate nearly all tariffs. Japan’s dairy industry is voicing concerns over losing market share, while its consumers are expected to enjoy lower prices for various products.
オウム創始者と6人の元幹部が処刑【Aum founder and six former top members executed】
Founder of Aum Supreme Truth cult and six other death row inmates were executed, the Justice Ministry announced on Friday. The cult committed a series of heinous crimes in the 1980s and ’90s including a sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway in 1995.