日本人ジャーナリストが3年の拘束の後に帰国【Japanese journalist returns home after 3 years in captivity】
Freelance journalist Jumpei Yasuda, who was released after being held captive in Syria for more than three years, returned to Japan on Thursday. Speaking to the media aboard a flight, he described the years in captivity as “hell”.
政府が消費税10%への引き上げを相殺する計画【Government to offset consumption tax hike to 10 %】
The government plans to keep the consumption tax rate at 8 percent for daily necessities such as food and beverages after the planned tax hike to 10 percent in October 2019. It is also considering offering 2 percent rebates for cashless payments at small and medium-sized operators for a limited period.
サウジ人記者死亡の対立する報道で深まる謎【Conflicting reports deepen mystery on Saudi journalist’s death】
Saudi Arabia announced on Friday evening that the missing Saudi journalist had died in a fistfight inside the country’s consulate in Istanbul earlier this month. Turkish officials claimed an audio recording proves that he was brutally murdered by a state-sponsored hit squad.
最年少のオセロ世界チャンピオンが以前の記録保持者のフライトで帰国【Youngest Othello world champion flown home by last record holder】
A Japanese 5th grader became the youngest world champion at the World Othello Championship in Prague on Friday. On his return flight to Japan, he was unexpectedly congratulated by the pilot, who revealed that he was the previous record holder.
バンクシーの裁断された絵画の落札者が購入の意向【Winning bidder of Banksy’s shredded painting sticking with purchase】
Banksy’s painting “Girl With Balloon” passed through a shredder hidden inside the frame moments after it sold for 1.04 million pounds at a London auction in early October. The winning bidder has decided to stick with her purchase of the self-destructed work, which has now been retitled “Love Is in the Bin.”
退任の女性大臣が新内閣で女性ひとりの状況に憂慮 【Ousted female minister worries as new cabinet includes just one woman】
Former internal affairs minister Seiko Noda, who was replaced during the cabinet reshuffle last week, said she was worried about the shrinking number of female ministers. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe claimed the lone woman, regional revitalization minister Satsuki Katayama, could do the work of two or three.
東京の有名な築地市場が新天地に移転【Tokyo’s famous Tsukiji fish market moves to new site】
Tokyo’s 80-year-old seafood market, Tsukiji, closed on Saturday to move to its replacement site on reclaimed land in Tokyo Bay. The new Toyosu market is scheduled to open on October 11, with many shop owners and workers still doubting its safety.