メーガン妃が重大発表の後でカナダへ渡航【Meghan flies to Canada after big announcement】
Meghan Markle, the wife of Britain’s Prince Harry, has flown to Canada following their surprise Instagram statement. The royal couple announced their plan to step back as senior members of the royal family and work to become financially independent.
カルロス・ゴーン被告が日本から逃亡【Carlos Ghosn escapes from Japan】
Former Nissan Motor Chairman Carlos Ghosn, who was on bail and awaiting trial in Japan, fled the country on December 29. He reportedly left his apartment hidden in a box used for a musical instrument and flew on a private plane to Lebanon via Turkey.
ローマ教皇が日本から核廃絶のメッセージを発信【Pope delivers anti-nuke message from Japan】
During a four-day trip to Japan last month, Pope Francis visited Nagasaki and Hiroshima, the world’s only cities to have suffered atomic bombings, and met with blast survivors. As an anti-nuke campaigner, he also delivered a speech calling for a total ban on nuclear weapons.
安倍氏が「桜を見る会」をめぐる法律違反を否定【Abe denies law violation over cherry blossom-viewing event】
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Friday denied allegations that his office covered part of the costs for a dinner party held on the eve of a state-funded cherry blossom-viewing event, a practice that would constitute a breach of the public offices election law.
英語民間試験の活用が見送りに【Use of private English tests delayed】
The government decided on Friday to postpone the introduction of private-sector English tests as part of unified university entrance exams starting in fiscal 2020. The decision came after the education minister made a gaffe over students’ financial standing last month.