眞子さまが年内結婚へ【Princess Mako to marry by year-end】
A government source said on Wednesday that Princess Mako and her boyfriend Kei Komuro plan to have a low-key wedding by the end of the year. She will likely decline a lump-sum payment that is usually given to royal women upon their departure from the household.
首相が酒類販売の方針に関して謝罪【Prime Minister apologizes for alcohol sales policy】
Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga apologized on Wednesday for his administration’s request to ask drinks wholesalers to stop supplying liquor to restaurants and bars that defied the ban on serving alcohol under the COVID-19 emergency state.
新幹線運転士が一時的に運転室を離席【Bullet train driver leaves cockpit temporarily】
A driver of a bullet train temporarily left the cockpit to use the bathroom on Sunday while the train was running with about 160 passengers on board. He asked a conductor, who didn’t have a driver’s license, to man the train in his absence.