最大手の飲食店評価サイトに賠償責任【Top restaurant review site found liable for damages】
A court ordered the operator of Tabelog, a popular website that rates restaurants based on aggregated user reviews, to pay 38.4 million yen in compensation to a Korean barbeque chain. The plaintiff claimed Tabelog’s proprietary algorithm automatically downgrades chain restaurants, and that its monthly customers fell by over 5,000 as a result.
マスク着用の常識は政府の方針転換後も変わらず【Masks remain norm despite government policy shift】
The government recently stated that people do not need to wear masks outdoors, though they are still recommended on trains. However, many Tokyoites continue wearing them everywhere, citing habit and concern about fitting in. Meanwhile, runners and other sports aficionados are among the most eager to shed their masks.
事務的ミスが町の大きな頭痛の種に【Clerical error causes major headaches for town】
A 24-year-old man in a town in Yamaguchi Prefecture accidentally received ¥46.3 million yen in COVID relief funds due to an error by municipal staff. About 90% of the money, which the man said he used on overseas online casinos, has been recovered. He was arrested on charges of wire fraud.
ネット上の中傷投稿に母親が苦悩【Abusive online posts cause mother pain】
The mother of a girl who went missing from a campsite in 2019 suffered a torrent of online abuse accusing her of being behind the disappearance. She nonetheless continued posting messages on the internet seeking information about her daughter’s whereabouts until the child was confirmed dead in mid May.
レッドカード付きMVP【MVP with red card】復刻版
France captain Zinedine Zidane, whose name will forever be remembered with “The Head-butt”, was chosen the most valuable player of the 2006 World Cup after his team’s loss to Italy in Sunday’s final. During the last game of his career, Zidane was red-carded for slamming his head into an opponent’s chest.
観光船運営会社の社長が過失致死を認める【Head of tour boat operator admits lethal negligence】
The president of a company running cruise vessels in Hokkaido acknowledged that an accident last month could have been averted if safety protocols, such as keeping in regular contact with the captain, had been followed. Twenty-six people were on board, and all are confirmed dead or still missing.
より多くの日本人労働者が転職や移住を検討【More Japanese workers eyeing job changes, relocation】
Experience with remote work, the erosion of Japan’s lifetime employment system, and desires for meaningful lives are contributing to a rise in workers quitting, changing jobs, or considering doing so. There are also signs of an exodus from major cities, with Tokyo’s population dropping for the first time since 1996.
親や保護者の肩に子供の部活動の負担【Parents and guardians bear burdens for kids’ sports teams】
Students’ extracurricular sports activities sometimes require large amounts of time and energy from parents and guardians, too. Duties include communicating with other adults via social media, distributing beverages, and taking photographs. Some sports teams unconnected with schools are targeting the exhausted-parent market by doing these tasks for a fee.
コロナ渦で日本の慢性的孤独が深刻化【Pandemic exacerbates chronic loneliness in Japan】
The coronavirus pandemic has worsened already high rates of loneliness in Japan, especially among those in their 20s and 30s. Previously, people were already becoming increasingly isolated, with more living alone and fewer interactions outside the home, and since COVID struck, social occasions like parties and travel have declined.
「世界に響きわたる平手打ち」がアカデミー賞の話題をさらう【“Slap heard round the world” steals spotlight at Oscars】
At the 2022 Academy Awards, it was not a film, actor or director that drew the most attention and media coverage, but an incident in which Best Actor nominee Will Smith walked onstage and slapped comedian Chris Rock for making a joke about Smith’s wife.
長年未解決の北方領土交渉をロシアが正式に打ち切り【Russia formally withdraws from long-stalled Kuril Islands talks】
More than 75 years after World War II ended without an official peace treaty between Japan and the USSR, Russia has pulled out of talks over the disputed Kuril Islands off Hokkaido (which Japan calls the Northern Territories) because of Japan’s sanctions in response to the Ukraine invasion.