Rahm Emanuel, ①( ), Obama White House Chief of Staff, and Chicago mayor, ②( ). The post has been unoccupied for over two years. ③( ), Emanuel seems to be an appropriate choice ④( ) amid China’s growing presence in the Asia-Pacific region.
New US ambassador to Japan fills long-vacant post
Rahm Emanuel, ①(whose former positions include US Congressman), Obama White House Chief of Staff, and Chicago mayor, ②(made his first visit to Japan as US ambassador). The post has been unoccupied for over two years. ③(Known for his aggressive demeanor), Emanuel seems to be an appropriate choice ④(as the US and Japan strengthen military and other ties) amid China’s growing presence in the Asia-Pacific region.
1.単語や表現を知らなかった。▶ 新たな単語と表現を覚え、語彙を増やす
2.文法と英文構造を理解できなかった。▶ 文法を復習し、英文読解力を養う
3.読めば理解できる英文を聴き取れなかった。⇒ 発音分析で強弱リズムやルールを確認する
答案の正解)whose former positions include US Congressman
不正解事例)whose former position include US congressmen