今週の復習361 【2014年10月30日】
1. Trade minister to resign over funds scandal
2. Japan to send officials to North Korea on abduction issue
3. Top court rejects "maternity harassment" ruling
最高裁が「マタハラ」判決を棄却 【2014年10月27日】
Japan's Supreme Court on Thursday overruled a lower court's decision, saying it is illegal, in principle, for an employer to demote a woman
日本が拉致問題で担当者らを北朝鮮に派遣へ 【2014年10月22日】
The Japanese government plans to send officials to Pyongyang this month to be briefed on the investigation
経産大臣が資金問題で辞任か 【2014年10月20日】
A government source said on Saturday that the Economy, Trade and Industry Minister intends to resign over allegations
今週の復習360 【2014年10月15日】
1. 51 climbers confirmed dead after Mt. Ontake eruption
2. Japanese trio win Nobel Prize in physics for invention of LED light
3. 17-year-old Malala wins Nobel Peace Prize
17歳のマララさんがノーベル平和賞を受賞 【2014年10月13日】
Malala Yousafzai, the 17-year-old Muslim girl from Pakistan who survived a Taliban attack in 2012, became the youngest Nobel Peace Prize winner
日本人トリオがLEDの発明でノーベル物理学賞 【2014年10月08日】
Three scientists from Japan on Tuesday won the Nobel Prize in physics for inventing blue light-emitting diodes,
御嶽山の噴火で51人の死亡を確認 【2014年10月06日】
Authorities confirmed the deaths of four more hikers on Mt. Ontake in central Japan on Saturday, bringing the total number of victims to 51