破片がマレー機を破壊とブラックボックスが示唆 【2014年07月30日】
Ukraine said on Monday that black box flight recorders from Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 showed shrapnel
中国が期限切れ食肉問題で5人を拘束 【2014年07月28日】
Chinese police on Wednesday detained five employees from a meat processor in Shanghai on suspicion of selling expired meat
今週の復習355 【2014年07月23日】
1. Benesse customer data leaked
2. Harry Potter attraction opens at Universal Studios Japan
3. Top court upholds non-genetic paternity
血縁のない父子関係を最高裁が支持 【2014年07月21日】
The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that legal paternity according to the Civil Code cannot be revoked even if DNA testing shows no biological relationship
USJでハリー・ポッターのアトラクション開業 【2014年07月17日】
Universal Studios Japan in Osaka celebrated on Tuesday the grand opening of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, which is expected to bring in
ベネッセの顧客データが漏えい 【2014年07月14日】
Education service provider Benesse Corp. revealed on Wednesday that personal information on 7.6 million customers was leaked,
今週の復習354 【2014年07月09日】
1. Pet dog saves little boy from bear attack
2. Japan's Cabinet approves collective self-defense
3. Local assemblyman screams and cries at news conference
地方議員が記者会見で号泣 【2014年07月07日】
A local assemblyman in Western Japan burst into tears at a news conference on Tuesday when he was accused of dubious expenses for frequent one-day business trips
日本の内閣が集団的自衛権を承認 【2014年07月02日】
Japan's Cabinet approved a decision on Tuesday to reinterpret war-renouncing Article 9 of the Constitution to allow the nation