IEの欠陥が危険を呈す 【2014年04月30日】
Microsoft is working to fix a serious security flaw in its web browser Internet Explorer,
フィギュアの羽生が春の褒章受章へ 【2014年04月29日】
The Medal with Purple Ribbon, the government awards for contributions to the arts, academics and sports, will go to 684 people and 23 groups,
オバマ氏が尖閣を安保の適用対象と発言 【2014年04月28日】
At a briefing with the Japanese Prime Minister in Tokyo, U.S. President Barack Obama clearly stated the disputed Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea fall
今週の復習348 【2014年04月24日】
1. Captain of sunken South Korean ferry arrested
2. Japan regrets China's seizure of cargo ship
3. Tokyo police tighten security before Obama visit
警視庁がオバマ氏来訪を控えて警備を強化 【2014年04月23日】
The Metropolitan Police Department is tightening security measures as U.S. President Barack Obama is scheduled to visit Japan from Wednesday through Friday
日本が中国による貨物船押収に遺憾の意 【2014年04月22日】
The Chief Cabinet Secretary expressed regret on Monday over a Shanghai court's sudden seizure of a Japanese vessel
沈没した韓国客船の船長が逮捕 【2014年04月21日】
The captain of the ferry that sank off South Korea was arrested early Saturday on suspicion of negligence and abandoning people in need
今週の復習347 【2014年04月17日】
1. NTT Docomo announces new fixed rate plan
2. NPB commissioner apologizes for livelier ball
3. Kumamoto culls chickens after bird flu outbreak
熊本県が鳥インフル発生で鶏を処分 【2014年04月16日】
Local authorities in Kumamoto prefecture, southern Japan, began culling thousands of chickens on Sunday
NPBコミッショナーが統一球問題で謝罪 【2014年04月15日】
The commissioner of Nippon Professional Baseball apologized on Friday for causing a commotion after random tests showed the official ball this season is livelier
NTTドコモが新しい定額料金制を発表 【2014年04月14日】
NTT Docomo Inc., Japan's largest mobile phone operator, on Thursday announced a new billing plan that will enable subscribers to make unlimited domestic calls
今週の復習346 【2014年04月10日】
1. Imperial Palace street opened to public
2. Prime Minister enjoys shopping after sales tax hike
3. Your Party leader to resign over loan scandal
みんなの党代表が融資不祥事で辞任へ 【2014年04月09日】
The leader of the opposition Your Party announced his intention to step down on Monday over 800 million yen loans he received from the chairman of a cosmetics company
消費税引き上げ後に総理が買い物ざんまい 【2014年04月08日】
The Japanese Prime Minister went on a shopping spree on Saturday morning at an upscale department store in Tokyo in a move to encourage spending
皇居通りが一般公開に 【2014年04月07日】
An Imperial Palace street famous for its beautiful cherry blossoms was opened to the public on Friday
今週の復習345 【2014年04月03日】
1. Longest-serving death-row inmate freed
2. Boeing 747 "jumbo jet" makes last flight
3. World court rules against Japan's Antarctic whaling
世界裁判所が日本の調査捕鯨に不利な判決 【2014年04月02日】
The International Court of Justice ruled on Monday that Japan's whaling in the Antarctic Ocean was not for scientific purposes, upholding Australia's bid
ボーイング747ジャンボジェットが最終飛行 【2014年04月01日】
An All Nippon Airway's last Boeing 747 arrived at Haneda airport in Tokyo on Monday afternoon, ending a 44-year history of "jumbo jets" in Japan