服役期間が最長の死刑囚が釈放 【2014年03月31日】
A Japanese court granted a retrial to a 78-year-old man, the world's longest-serving death-row inmate, after the latest DNA tests undermined the evidence
今週の復習344 【2014年03月27日】
1. Government to examine babysitting websites
2. Mayor Hashimoto re-elected amid low voter turnout
3. G7 leaders to boycott G8 summit
G7首脳がG8首脳会議に不参加 【2014年03月26日】
The Group of Seven industrialized nations announced on Monday that they will boycott a G8 summit scheduled for June in Sochi
橋下市長が低い投票率で再選 【2014年03月25日】
Toru Hashimoto, who is promoting the Osaka metropolis plan, was re-elected in the Osaka mayoral election on Sunday amid a record low voter turnout
政府がシッター紹介サイトの調査へ 【2014年03月24日】
The Japanese government will examine the operation of babysitting websites, following the arrest of a 26-year-old man
今週の復習343 【2014年03月20日】
1. Urawa Reds punished for racist banner
2. Engineer arrested for leaking Toshiba secrets
3. Parents of Japanese abductee meet granddaughter
日本人拉致被害者の両親が孫娘に面会 【2014年03月19日】
The aging parents of a Japanese woman who was abducted by North Korean agents in 1977 met their granddaughter
東芝の機密漏えいで技術者が逮捕 【2014年03月18日】
Tokyo police arrested on Thursday a 52-year-old man, a former engineer with a corporate partner of Toshiba,
人種差別の横断幕で浦和レッズに制裁 【2014年03月17日】
The Japan Professional Football League ordered the Urawa Reds club on Thursday to play a match without spectators as punishment for not removing a racist banner
今週の復習342 【2014年03月13日】
1. Nation's tallest building fully opens in Osaka
2. Stolen passports used to board missing Malaysian flight
3. Co-author calls for retraction of stem-cell paper
幹細胞論文の撤回を共著者が要請 【2014年03月12日】
A Japanese researcher on a breakthrough method to create stem cells urged his co-authors on Monday to retract their papers published in Nature
不明マレーシア機への搭乗に盗難旅券 【2014年03月11日】
The International Criminal Police Organization said on Sunday that two unidentified passengers on the missing Malaysia Airlines flight were travelling
高さ全国一のビルが大阪で全面開業 【2014年03月10日】
Japan's tallest building, the 300-meter Abeno Harukas skyscraper with 60 stories above ground, fully opened on Friday in Osaka, western Japan,
今週の復習341 【2014年03月06日】
1. Bitcoin exchange in Tokyo collapses
2. 18-year-old admits to schoolgirl killing last summer
3. Russia reserves right to use force in Ukraine
露がウクライナ武力行使の権利を留保 【2014年03月05日】
Russian President Vladimir Putin told reporters on Tuesday that the use of force in Ukraine would be a last resort, reserving the right to use all means
18歳少年が昨夏の女子学生殺害を自供 【2014年03月04日】
An 18-year-old boy, who was arrested late Sunday on suspicion of killing a junior high school girl in central Japan six months ago,
東京のビットコイン取引所が破たん 【2014年03月03日】
Mt. Gox, once the world's biggest bitcoin exchange, filed for bankruptcy in Tokyo on Friday, saying it had lost nearly half a billion dollars' worth of the virtual currency