今週の復習340 【2014年02月27日】
復習の穴埋めテストをやってみましょう。 1. Anne Frank books damaged in Tokyo libraries 2. Ukraine interim president seeks EU integration 3. TPP talks end without agreement
TPP交渉が合意なしで終了 【2014年02月26日】
Ministers from 12 nations including Japan and the United States on Tuesday failed to reach a broad agreement in the latest round
ウクライナ大統領代行がEU加盟に意欲 【2014年02月25日】
Ukraine's new interim president said on Sunday he will seek to integrate the country into the European Union
アンネ・フランクの本が東京の図書館で破損 【2014年02月24日】
More than 250 copies of worldwide bestseller Anne Frank's diary and related books on Nazi persecution of Jews have been found damaged
今週の復習339 【2014年02月20日】
1. 41-year-old Kasai wins silver in ski jumping
2. Haru Kuroki wins best actress award in Berlin
3. One Japanese diver found dead off Bali
バリ沖で日本人ダイバー1人の遺体発見 【2014年02月19日】
One of seven Japanese women, who went missing while scuba diving off the Indonesian island of Bali several days ago, was found dead on Tuesday
黒木華がベルリンで最優秀女優賞 【2014年02月18日】
Japan's Haru Kuroki won the prize for best actress at the Berlin International Film Festival on Saturday for playing a discreet housemaid in wartime Tokyo
41歳の葛西がスキージャンプで 銀メダル 【2014年02月17日】
Japanese ski jumper Noriaki Kasai, 41, won the silver medal in the men's large hill event at the Sochi Games on Saturday,
今週の復習338 【2014年02月13日】
1. Japan's Beethoven revealed as fraud
2. Masuzoe wins Tokyo governor race
3. Heavy snow hits wide area of Japan
大雪が日本の広範囲を直撃 【2014年02月12日】
The heaviest snow in nearly half a century hit Tokyo and other areas across Japan over the weekend, causing blackouts, transportation delays,
舛添氏が東京都知事選に勝利 【2014年02月11日】
Former health minister Yoichi Masuzoe backed by the ruling bloc won a landslide victory in the Tokyo gubernatorial election on Sunday,
日本のベートーベンはニセモノと判明 【2014年02月10日】
A supposedly deaf composer who was called modern-day Beethoven revealed on Wednesday that he has staged an 18-year hoax
今週の復習337 【2014年02月06日】
1. Stem cell researcher in Japan makes major discovery
2. Osaka Mayor announces resignation to seek re-election
3. Moscow student kills two in school shooting
モスクワの校内銃撃で生徒が2人を殺害 【2014年02月05日】
An armed teenager shot dead two adults and took hostage some 20 students at a school in Moscow on Monday,
大阪市長が再選を求めて辞職を発表 【2014年02月04日】
The mayor of Osaka City announced on Monday that he will resign from his post and run for re-election to gain further public support
日本の幹細胞研究者が大発見 【2014年02月03日】
A research team in Japan led by a 30-year-old female biologist announced on Wednesday that they created stem cells useful for regenerative medicine