日本が政治的横断幕をめぐって韓国に抗議 【2013年07月31日】
The Japan Football Association lodged a protest on Monday against a politically charged banner hoisted by South Korean supporters
「経験のない」大雨が西日本を直撃 【2013年07月30日】
Record-high rainfall deluged parts of western Japan early on Sunday, which prompted the weather agency to warn
山口の殺人容疑者が逮捕 【2013年07月29日】
Police arrested on Friday a 63-year-old man wanted in connection with the grisly murder of five elderly people in a remote village
今週の復習313 【2013年07月25日】
1. Motor city Detroit files for bankruptcy
2. LDP scores huge victory in Upper House election
3. World's media hail British royal baby birth
英ロイヤルベビーの誕生を世界のマスコミが歓迎 【2013年07月24日】
The world's media were in a frenzy on Monday outside St. Mary's Hospital in London following the birth of a baby boy, a future heir to the British throne,
参院選で自民党が圧勝 【2013年07月23日】
The Liberal Democratic Party and its coalition partner New Komeito secured a comfortable majority in Sunday's Upper House election,
自動車の街デトロイトが破産を申請 【2013年07月22日】
The city of Detroit filed for the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history on Thursday
今週の復習312 【2013年07月18日】
1. Ratio of non-regular workers marks record high
2. Man sets fire to Takarazuka city hall
3. Trayvon Martin protests spread across US cities
トレイボン・マーティン事件の抗議が全米に波及 【2013年07月17日】
Protests have been held across the United States over the acquittal on Saturday of a defendant in the shooting death of unarmed black teenager
男が宝塚市役所に放火 【2013年07月16日】
A 63-year-old man was arrested on Friday for using Molotov cocktails to set fire to the city hall of Takarazuka, Hyogo Prefecture,
非正規雇用者の割合が過去最高を記録 【2013年07月15日】
The ratio of non-regular workers in Japan increased to a record-high 38.2 percent in 2012, according to a survey released on Friday
今週の復習311 【2013年07月11日】
1. Asiana plane crash-lands at San Francisco airport
2. Power Utilities file applications to restart reactors
3. More than 2,500 treated for heatstroke
2,500人を上回る人々が熱中症で治療 【2013年07月10日】
Over 2,500 people were rushed to hospitals across Japan due to heatstroke in the first week of July, according to a report
電力各社が原子炉再稼働を申請 【2013年07月09日】
Four power utilities filed applications on Monday to the Nuclear Regulation Authority to restart 10 reactors under new safety regulations
アシアナ機がサンフランシスコの空港で着陸失敗 【2013年07月08日】
An Asiana Airlines passenger jet from Seoul, South Korea, crash-landed on Sunday at San Francisco International Airport,
今週の復習310 【2013年07月04日】
1. Obama visits Mandela's family in South Africa tour
2. Matsuzakaya closes Ginza store for total makeover
3. 3-year-old receives partial lung transplant from mother
3歳児が母親から肺の部分移植 【2013年07月03日】
Doctors at Okayama University Hospital on Monday transplanted part of a mother's lung to her 3-year-old son
松坂屋が全面改装で銀座店を閉店 【2013年07月02日】
Matsuzakaya Ginza store, the oldest department store in the upscale shopping district in Tokyo, ended its 88-year history on Sunday,
オバマ氏が南ア訪問中にマンデラ氏の家族と面会 【2013年07月01日】
U.S. President Barack Obama visited the family of former South African President Nelson Mandela, the 94-year-old anti-apartheid hero