日本の失業率が4.3パーセントに改善 【2012年07月31日】
The Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry reported on Tuesday that Japan's jobless rate in June improved slightly to 4.3 percent
謎の女性がインドの五輪選手団と行進 【2012年07月30日】
A mysterious woman in red, who marched with Indian athletes and officials on Friday night during the opening ceremony at the 2012 London Olympics,
今週の復習264 【2012年07月26日】
1. Japan's players not to participate in WBC
2. Ospreys unloaded at Iwakuni air station
3. Ichiro traded to Yankees
イチローがヤンキースに移籍 【2012年07月25日】
Seattle Mariners star outfielder Ichiro Suzuki told a news conference on Monday that he was traded to the New York Yankees,
オスプレイ岩国航空基地に陸揚げ 【2012年07月24日】
Twelve MV-22 Osprey transport aircraft were unloaded on Monday at the US air station in Iwakuni, western Japan
日本がWBC不参加へ 【2012年07月23日】
The Japan Professional Baseball Players Association on Friday decided not to participate in the 2013 World Baseball Classic organized by Major League Baseball
今週の復習263 【2012年07月19日】
1. SDF helicopters airlift supplies to Kyushu
2. Russian Soyuz rocket lifts off for ISS
3. Scorching heat pushes up power usage
猛暑で使用電力が増加 【2012年07月18日】
The rainy season was declared over on Tuesday in many parts of Japan, where power usage reached around 90 percent
ロシアのソユーズ宇宙船、ISSへ打ち上げ 【2012年07月17日】
A Russian Soyuz spacecraft carrying three astronauts including Japan's Akihiko Hoshide lifted off on Sunday morning from Kazakhstan
自衛隊ヘリが九州に物資を空輸 【2012年07月16日】
Self Defense Force helicopters on Sunday began airlifting supplies to thousands of people cut off by floods in the northern parts of Kyushu,
今週の復習262 【2012年07月12日】
1. Panda cub at Ueno zoo moved to incubator
2. Government plans to buy Senkaku Islands
3. Shiga schoolboy's suicide triggers bomb threats
滋賀の男子生徒自殺で爆破予告 【2012年07月11日】
The suicide of a bullied 13-year-old boy at a junior high school in Shiga Prefecture triggered a series of bomb threats on Monday
政府が尖閣諸島の購入を計画 【2012年07月10日】
Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda on Saturday announced the government's intention to purchase the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea,
上野動物園のパンダの赤ちゃんが保育器に 【2012年07月09日】
Tokyo's Ueno Zoo on Saturday moved the giant panda cub, born for the first time in 24 years, to an incubator
今週の復習261 【2012年07月05日】
1. Leap second added to clocks at midnight Saturday
2. Power saving takes effect despite nuclear restart
3. Ozawa and his allies leave DPJ
小沢氏とその同志が民主党を離党 【2012年07月04日】
Democratic Party of Japan heavyweight Ichiro Ozawa and dozens of his allies left the ruling party on Monday
原発再稼働をよそに節電を実施 【2012年07月03日】
The government-imposed power saving targets took effect on Monday despite the weekend restart of a reactor at the Ohi nuclear power plant
土曜日の真夜中にうるう秒を追加 【2012年07月02日】
A leap second was added to clocks at the end of the day on Saturday, making the day one second longer than usual