今週の復習250 【2012年03月29日】
1. Japan's last operating reactor to be suspended in May
2. S. Korean President addresses at nuclear summit
3. AKB48 performs for cherry blossom festival in DC
AKB48が首都ワシントンの桜祭りで公演 【2012年03月28日】
Sixteen members of Japan's top-selling pop group AKB48 held a concert in Washington on Tuesday to celebrate the 100th anniversary
韓国大統領が核サミットで演説 【2012年03月27日】
South Korean President Lee Myung-bak on Tuesday called for close international cooperation to maintain peace and security
日本で唯一稼働の原子炉が5月に停止予定 【2012年03月26日】
Hokkaido Electric Power Co. announced on Monday that it plans to suspend operations of the No. 3 unit at its Tomari nuclear power plant,
今週の復習249 【2012年03月22日】
1. Uniqlo opens world's largest store in Ginza
2. iPad 3 sales 1(t ) 3 million
3. US exempts Japan and 10 others from Iran sanctions
米国が日本と他10ヶ国を対イラン制裁から除外 【2012年03月21日】
Finance Minister Jun Azumi on Wednesday welcomed a US decision to exempt Japan and 10 other countries from new sanctions against Iran
第3世代iPadの販売が300万台突破 【2012年03月20日】
Apple announced on Monday that the company has already sold more than three million new iPads on the market in only four days
ユニクロが世界最大の店舗を銀座に開店 【2012年03月19日】
The world's largest Uniqlo store opened in Tokyo's high-end Ginza district on Friday morning.
今週の復習248 【2012年03月15日】
1. Japan marks one year since massive earthquake
2. Japan's Olympic marathon team announced
3. Government to accelerate debris disposal
政府が瓦礫処理を推進 【2012年03月14日】
Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda instructed his Cabinet on Tuesday to accelerate the disposal of debris generated by last year's disaster
日本の五輪マラソン代表発表 【2012年03月13日】
The Japan Association of Athletics Federations on Monday announced the six marathon runners that will represent the nation at this summer's London Olympics.
日本が大地震から1周年 【2012年03月12日】
People across Japan offered a silent prayer to mourn the victims at 2:46 p.m. on Sunday,
今週の復習247 【2012年03月08日】
1. Tearful Putin declares Russian election victory
2. Nagoya mayor's massacre denial causes Nanjing protest
3. Crisis-hit southern Europeans flock to learn German
金融危機の南欧でドイツ語学習に熱 【2012年03月07日】
New figures show that a growing number of people in southern Europe hardest hit by the economic crisis are seeking to learn German
名古屋市長の大虐殺否定で南京が抗議 【2012年03月06日】
The eastern Chinese city of Nanjing announced on Friday it will delay its Japanese Culture Week to protest against Nagoya mayor's controversial remarks
プーチン氏が露大統領選で涙の勝利宣言 【2012年03月05日】
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin had tears in his eyes when he declared victory in Sunday's presidential election outside the Kremlin,
今週の復習246 【2012年03月01日】
1. AIJ ordered to suspend operations
2. Meryl Streep wins third Oscar
3. Panel criticizes Kan's response to Fukushima accident