世界人口が70億人に 【2011年10月31日】
Demographers at the United Nations said that the world population will hit 7 billion on Monday,
今週の復習229 【2011年10月27日】
1. Libya declares liberation after Gaddafi's death
2. Wreck of 13th century Mongolian invasion ship found
3. Malaysian court sentences Japanese nurse to hanging
マレーシア法定が法人看護師に絞首刑判決 【2011年10月26日】
A Malaysian court on Tuesday sentenced a 37-year-old Japanese nurse from Aomori Prefecture to death by hanging
13世紀の元寇船の残骸発見 【2011年10月25日】
Researchers announced on Monday they have discovered on the seafloor near Nagasaki Prefecture the wreck of a Mongolian ship
カダフィ氏の死後リビアが解放宣言 【2011年10月24日】
Libya's new leaders declared the country's liberation on Sunday, three days after the former dictator Muammar Gaddafi was captured and killed by a shot to the head
今週の復習228 【2011年10月20日】
1. Bounty offered for fugitive crocodiles in Thailand
2. Japan may ask China to lease pandas to disaster-hit city
3. Michelin gives Kansai region high rating
ミシュランが関西地区を高く評価 【2011年10月19日】
The Michelin Guide awarded top three-star ratings to another three restaurants in Kansai region, which covers Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe and newly added Nara,
日本が被災地へのパンダ貸与を中国に要請か 【2011年10月18日】
The Japanese government is considering asking China to lease giant pandas to a zoo in Sendai City,
タイで逃げたワニに懸賞金 【2011年10月17日】
About 100 crocodiles are thought to have escaped from flood-hit farms in Ayutthaya, central Thailand.
今週の復習227 【2011年10月14日】
1. Japan wins 19 medals at WorldSkills 2011
2. Wall Street protest spreads to Upper East Side
3. Fukushima rice safe for shipment
福島米が出荷可能に 【2011年10月13日】
The Fukushima prefectural government said on Wednesday that newly harvested rice from the nuclear accident-hit region is safe for shipment
ウォール街デモが富裕層居住地域に拡大 【2011年10月12日】
The Occupy Wall Street movement in New York on Tuesday spread to the Upper East Side, home to some of the city's wealthiest financiers,
2011年技能五輪で日本がメダル19個を獲得 【2011年10月11日】
Over 1,000 young people took part in the four-day WorldSkills London 2011 starting from October 5th.
今週の復習226 【2011年10月06日】
1. PM Noda to freeze housing project for bureaucrats
2. Nobel medicine prize winner dies before announcement
3. Asia's biggest high-tech show opens in Japan
アジア最大のハイテク展が日本で開幕 【2011年10月05日】
Nearly 600 companies and groups from Japan and abroad have registered at Asia's biggest high-tech fair, the Combined Exhibition of Advanced Technologies (Ceatec) exhibition,
ノーベル医学生理学賞の受賞者が発表前に死亡 【2011年10月04日】
Canadian-born researcher Ralph Steinman, one of this year's Nobel Prize winners in Medicine, died of pancreatic cancer in Manhattan
野田総理が宿舎建設計画を凍結 【2011年10月03日】
Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda announced on Monday he will freeze a controversial plan to build a ¥10.5 billion housing facility
今週の復習225 【2011年10月03日】
1. UARS satellite probably falls in Pacific
2. Ex-Ozawa aides found guilty over political fund scandal
3. Shanghai subway crash injures hundreds