北海道で煙の充満した列車からの避難に遅れ 【2011年05月31日】
It has been revealed that the evacuation of a smoke-filled limited express train in a Hokkaido tunnel Friday night was delayed
台風2号が温帯低気圧に 【2011年05月30日】
Typhoon Songda, the first major storm of the season, was downgraded to a depression on Sunday as it churned northeast
今週の復習214 【2011年05月26日】
1. Chinese Premier Wen meets SMAP
2. N. Korea's Kim Jong-il tours China again
3. Two men acquitted after decades in jai
数十年の服役後、二人に無罪判決 【2011年05月25日】
The Tsuchiura branch of the Mito District Court acquitted on Tuesday two men convicted in a 1967 murder-robbery case
北朝鮮の金正日総書記が再び中国を視察 【2011年05月24日】
North Korean leader Kim Jong-il arrived in the eastern Chinese city of Nanjing on Tuesday during his third visit to China in a year,
中国の温首相がSMAPと対面 【2011年05月23日】
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, who is in Japan for the annual trilateral summit, met the pop group SMAP at a Tokyo Hotel on Saturday
今週の復習213 【2011年05月19日】
1. Fukushima evacuation zone extended
2. IMF chief denied bail in attempted rape case
3. Lawsuit over HIV-tainted blood products ends
非加熱製剤の訴訟が終結 【2011年05月18日】
The last plaintiff reached a court-managed settlement with the government and five drug companies on Monday,
強姦未遂でIMF専務理事の保釈認めず 【2011年05月17日】
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the chief of the International Monetary Fund, was denied bail on Monday in Manhattan Criminal Court for an alleged attack on a maid
福島の避難地域が拡大 【2011年05月16日】
New evacuations have begun outside the 30-kilometer exclusion zone around the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant
今週の復習212 【2011年05月13日】
1. Chubu Electric agrees to Hamaoka plant shutdown
2. Man plunges to death from Burj Khalifa
3. Ex-MSDF officers acquitted over sea collision
海上衝突で元海上自衛官に無罪判決 【2011年05月12日】
The Yokohama District Court on Wednesday acquitted two former officers of the Maritime Self-Defense Force over the fatal collision
ブルジュ・ハリファから男性が飛び降り自殺 【2011年05月11日】
A 30-year-old man on Tuesday reportedly jumped from the 147th floor of the 828-meter Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest skyscraper in Dubai,
中部電力が浜岡原発の閉鎖に合意 【2011年05月10日】
Chubu Electric Power Company on Monday decided to temporarily shut down its Hamaoka nuclear power plant until additional safety measures are taken
今週の復習211 【2011年05月06日】
1. Miki Ando wins emotional gold at Worlds
2. Bin Laden killed by US forces
3. Four die from BBQ-chain food poisoning
焼肉チェーン店の食中毒で4人が死亡 【2011年05月05日】
Two young boys and two adult women have so far died in a series of food poisoning cases
ビンラディンが米軍によって殺害 【2011年05月03日】
President Barack Obama made a stunning announcement on Sunday night that U.S. forces killed Osama bin Laden,
安藤美姫が世界フィギュアで感動の金メダル 【2011年05月02日】
Japan's Miki Ando won the world figure skating championships in Moscow to boost the spirits of her devastated homeland seven weeks after the March 11 earthquake,