宮崎県知事が二期目への不出馬を表明 【2010年09月30日】
Popular Miyazaki Governor Hideo Higashikokubaru announced Wednesday he will not run for re-election in December,
キム・ジョンウン氏が要職に任命 【2010年09月29日】
Kim Jong Il's third son, Kim Jong Un, was appointed on Tuesday vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission as well as a member of the party Central Committee,
中国人船長の釈放に沖縄県が抗議 【2010年09月28日】
The Okinawa assembly on Tuesday unanimously adopted a resolution to protest the release of a Chinese fishing boat captain
今週の復習188 【2010年09月24日】
1. Japan's oldest person celebrated on Senior Citizen's Day
2. Osaka prosecutor arrested over data tampering
大阪地検検事がデータ改ざんで逮捕 【2010年09月22日】
The Supreme Prosecutors Office arrested a chief prosecutor of the Osaka district office on Tuesday on suspicion of tampering data on a floppy disk
日本の最高齢者を敬老の日に祝福 【2010年09月21日】
The nation's oldest person, 113-year-old Chiyono Hasegawa, received congratulations on Monday,Respect for the Aged day
今週の復習187 【2010年09月16日】
1. Failed Incubator Bank starts accepting refund requests
2. Koran-burning plan provokes clashes in Afghanistan
3. Yen hits 15-year high after PM Kan's leadership victory
菅総理の代表選勝利で円が15年ぶりの高値 【2010年09月15日】
The Japanese yen surged to a 15-year high on Tuesday after Prime Minister Naoto Kan survived a leadership challenge,
コーラン焼却計画がアフガンで衝突を誘発 【2010年09月14日】
An ultimately cancelled plan by a Florida pastor to burn copies of the Koran on September 11th provoked anger among Muslims around the world,
破たんした興銀が払い戻しの受け付け開始 【2010年09月13日】
The failed Incubator Bank of Japan resumed its business on Monday to accept refund requests at some of its branches under the deposit protection scheme,
今週の復習186 【2010年09月09日】
1. Japanese journalist freed in Afghanistan
2. Japan's 1st superbug case reported
3. Eri Fukatsu wins best actress award in Montreal
深津絵里さんがモントリオールで最優秀女優賞 【2010年09月08日】
Actress Eri Fukatsu won the best actress award at the 34th Montreal World Film Festival in Canada on Monday for her role in the Japanese film "Villain",
日本初の新耐性菌の症例が報告 【2010年09月07日】
The first case of the NDM-1 superbug infection has been reported at a university hospital in Tochigi Prefecture.
日本人ジャーナリスト、アフガニスタンで解放 【2010年09月06日】
A Japanese freelance journalist who had been kidnapped by Afghan militants five months ago was freed unharmed Saturday night
今週の復習185 【2010年09月02日】
1. Chile to begin rescue work for trapped miners
2. Japanese man calculates value of pi to 5 tril.digits
3. Obama announces end of Iraq combat operations
オバマ大統領がイラク戦闘任務の終結宣言 【2010年09月01日】
U.S. President Barack Obama announced the end of the combat operations in Iraq late Tuesday, saying in a speech delivered from the Oval Office