日本、PK戦でパラグアイに敗れる 【2010年06月30日】
Japan suffered a heartbreaking defeat to Paraguay by 5-3 in a penalty shootout Tuesday,
日本の総理、G8首脳に溶け込めず 【2010年06月29日】
Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan, who participated in a G8 summit meeting in Toronto, seemed unable to join the circle of world leaders
高速道路無料化の実験プログラム開始 【2010年06月28日】
The Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Ministry started implementing a pilot program for toll-free expressways at midnight on June 28,
今週の復習175 【2010年06月24日】
1. Kan backs consumption tax hike
2. 'The Cove' to open in Japan despite protests
3. Mazda car rampage suspect imitates Akihabara killing
マツダ暴走車殺傷の容疑者、秋葉原事件を模倣 【2010年06月23日】
The former temporary worker at Mazda Motor Corp. admitted he wanted to copy the Akihabara killing rampage after he was arrested Tuesday
『ザ・コーヴ』が抗議を抑えて日本で上映開始 【2010年06月22日】
'The Cove', the Oscar-winning documentary about a dolphin hunt in a western Japanese town of Taiji, will be shown in the country from July
菅総理が消費税引き上げを支持 【2010年06月21日】
Prime Minister Naoto Kan has mentioned the possibility of the consumption tax hike to around 10 percent, reversing his predecessor's statement
今週の復習174 【2010年06月17日】
1. Hayabusa space probe returns to earth
2. Japan beats Cameroon 1-0 in World Cup
3. Kotomitsuki blackmailed from gangster
琴光喜、暴力団から脅迫 【2010年06月16日】
The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department suspects a gangster extorted hush money from ozeki sumo wrestler Kotomitsuki
W杯、日本がカメルーンに1対0で勝利 【2010年06月15日】
Japan scored its historic first victory in a World Cup finals held overseas on Monday with a surprise 1-0 win over Cameroon
宇宙探査機はやぶさが地球に帰還 【2010年06月14日】
The unmanned Japanese space probe Hayabusa or Falcon, which may be the first to capture surface samples from an asteroid,
今週の復習173 【2010年06月10日】
1. DPJ support jumps after Kan elected new PM
2. Apple introduces iPhone 4
3. PM Kan aims to create society with minimum unhappiness
菅首相が最小不幸社会の創設に意欲 【2010年06月09日】
Japan's new Prime Minister Naoto Kan, after forming his Cabinet Tuesday, said he will aim to rebuild Japan
米アップルがiPhone4を発表 【2010年06月08日】
Apple CEO Steve Jobs introduced on Monday iPhone 4, the newest version of the company's popular smartphone,
菅新総理の選出で民主党支持が急上昇 【2010年06月07日】
Support for the ruling Democratic Party of Japan has jumped since Naoto Kan was elected its leader and the nation's Prime Minister on Friday,
今週の復習172 【2010年06月04日】
1. SDP leaves ruling coalition
2. PM Hatoyama to resign
3. Astronaut Noguchi returns to Earth
野口宇宙飛行士が地球に帰還 【2010年06月03日】
Japanese astronaut Soichi Noguchi with two colleagues landed safely in Kazakhstan on Wednesday aboard the Russian Soyuz spacecraft
鳩山総理が辞任表明 【2010年06月02日】
Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama announced on Wednesday both he and party Secretary-General Ichiro Ozawa will resign
社民党が連立政権を離脱 【2010年06月01日】
The Social Democratic Party decided Sunday to leave the ruling coalition with the Democratic Party of Japan and the People's New Party