今週の復習171 【2010年05月27日】
1. Seoul to take action against Pyongyang's torpedo attack
2. Heavy rain hits Western Japan
3. Japanese electric car covers 1000 km on single charge
日本の電気自動車が無充電で千キロ走破 【2010年05月26日】
An electric car in Japan broke a world record by running for more than 27 hours
西日本に大雨 【2010年05月25日】
Heavy rain caused by the low-pressure system hit wide areas of Western Japan on Monday,
韓国が北の魚雷攻撃に対抗措置 【2010年05月24日】
South Korean President said it will take the North to the UN Security Council over Pyongyang's torpedo attack on its warship
今週の復習170 【2010年05月21日】
1. World's largest Uniqlo outlet opens in Shanghai
2. State of emergency declared over foot-and-mouth
口蹄疫で非常事態宣言 【2010年05月18日】
The Miyazaki Governor declared a state of emergency on Tuesday following the outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in the prefecture
世界最大のユニクロが上海に開店 【2010年05月17日】
Fast Retailing Co. launched the world's largest Uniqlo casual clothing store in Shanghai Saturday,
今週の復習169 【2010年05月13日】
1. Shanghai Expo's visitor numbers lower than expected
2. Judo star Tani to run in upper house election
3. Conservative Cameron becomes British PM
保守党のキャメロン氏が英首相に就任 【2010年05月12日】
Conservative leader David Cameron, whose party won the most seats in parliamentary elections on May 6, became Britain's new Prime Minister Tuesday
柔道のスター、谷が参院選出馬へ 【2010年05月11日】
Japan's seven-time world judo champion Ryoko Tani told reporters Monday she will run in the upper house election on the ruling Democratic Party of Japan ticket
上海万博の来場者数、予想に満たず 【2010年05月10日】
Organizers of China's World Expo in Shanghai from May 1 are worried they will fail to attract the 70 million visitors they have targeted