今週の復習160 【2010年02月25日】
1. Terajima wins best actress award at Berlin film festival
2. Hatoyama: money scandals hurt support
3. President to testify at US Toyota hearing
米トヨタ公聴会で社長が証言へ 【2010年02月24日】
Toyota's president, Akio Toyoda, is scheduled to testify at a US congressional hearing on Wednesday on the massive recalls of 8.5 million vehicles
鳩山首相「政治とカネが支持に悪影響」 【2010年02月23日】
Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama admitted Monday that political fund scandals may have been an important factor in the loss
寺島さんがベルリン映画祭で最優秀女優賞 【2010年02月22日】
Japanese actress Shinobu Terajima won the Silver Bear for Best Actress for her role in director Koji Wakamatsu's "Caterpillar"
今週の復習159 【2010年02月18日】
1. Japan still ahead of China as world No.2 economy
2. Japan takes two medals at Men's 500M
3. Japan to question anti-whaling activist
日本が反捕鯨活動家の事情聴取へ 【2010年02月17日】
An anti-whaling activist from New Zealand being held on a Japanese vessel will be handed over to the Japan Coast Guard for questioning
日本が男子500メートルでメダル2個を獲得 【2010年02月16日】
Japan's Keiichiro Nagashima won the silver medal and Joji Kato took the bronze in the men's 500-meter speed skating,
日本経済、中国をかわし世界第二位を保持 【2010年02月15日】
Japan retained its title as the world's second biggest economy in 2009 ahead of surging China,
今週の復習158 【2010年02月12日】
1. Kirin terminates merger talks with Suntory
2. Body found in landing gear at Narita
3. Tymoshenko not to acknowledge loss in presidential election
ティモシェンコ氏は大統領選の敗北認めず 【2010年02月10日】
Following Ukraine's presidential election on Sunday, Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, the defeated candidate,
成田の主脚格納部に遺体 【2010年02月09日】
A black man's body was found in the landing gear compartment of a Delta Air Lines jet that arrived at Narita Airport from New York on Sunday.
キリンがサントリーとの合併交渉を打ち切り 【2010年02月08日】
Japanese drink giant Kirin said on Monday it had ended months-long merger talks with its smaller rival Suntory
今週の復習157 【2010年02月04日】
1. Toyota announces massive recall overseas
2. Takanohana elected to board of directors
3. Pentagon agrees to end DADT
米国防省がDADT政策撤廃を是認 【2010年02月03日】
The Pentagon's top leadership endorsed Tuesday President Barack Obama's desire to end the decades-long ban
貴乃花が理事に当選 【2010年02月02日】
Reform-minded former yokozuna grand champion Takanohana was elected in a major upset as one of the 10 members
トヨタが海外で大規模リコール発表 【2010年02月01日】
Japanese auto giant Toyota Motor has announced a massive vehicle recalls in the United States,