今週の復習135 【2009年07月30日】
1. Heavy rain continuing in W Japan
2. DPJ unveils election pledges
3. Japan's suicide rate increases due to recession
不況で日本の自殺率増加 【2009年07月29日】
The National Police Agency announced the number of suicides in Japan increased by 4.2 percent to 17,076 during the first half of 2009 partly due to the recession,
民主党がマニフェスト発表 【2009年07月28日】
The largest opposition Democratic Party of Japan unveiled on Monday the party's manifesto with rosy promises of child allowances and free expressways,
西日本で大雨続く 【2009年07月27日】
Torrential rains in northern Kyushu have left 10 people dead and 3 others missing since Friday.
今週の復習134 【2009年07月24日】
1. Ex-boyfriend of victim's daughter on wanted list
2. PM Aso expresses determination to win Lower House election
3. Full solar eclipse blocked by clouds
皆既日食、雲でよく見えず 【2009年07月23日】
On the tiny southern island of Akuseki, where dense clouds blocked the total solar eclipse of 6 minutes and 25 seconds on Wednesday morning,
麻生総理が衆院選勝利への決意表明 【2009年07月22日】
Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso told a news conference following the Lower House dissolution he intends to make it clear
被害者娘の元交際男を指名手配 【2009年07月21日】
Police put a 28-year-old man on the wanted list Monday on suspicion of abducting a 22-year-old woman
今週の復習133 【2009年07月17日】
1. LDP suffers crushing defeat in Tokyo election
2. Japan's brewers Kirin and Suntory plan merger
3. New organ transplant bill passed
臓器移植法改正案が成立 【2009年07月15日】
Parliament on Monday passed a controversial bill that defines patients who are medically brain dead as legally dead.
キリンとサントリーが統合を計画 【2009年07月14日】
Japan's rival brewers Kirin and Suntory started negotiating a tie-up aimed at surviving the shrinking beer market amid the low birthrate and aging society.
自民党が都議選で惨敗 【2009年07月13日】
The ruling coalition of the Liberal Democratic and New Komeito parties lost a majority of 64 seats in Sunday's Tokyo metropolitan assembly election
今週の復習132 【2009年07月10日】
1. Jackson feels extreme pressure of childhood celebrity
2. Man arrested for pachinko parlor arson
3. Tokyo becomes most expensive city
東京が世界一物価の高い都市に 【2009年07月08日】
Tokyo became the world's most expensive city for expatriates and Osaka rose to number two due to the appreciation of the yen against the U.S. dollar,
パチンコ店の放火容疑で男を逮捕 【2009年07月07日】
A 41-year-old man turned himself in at a police station in Yamaguchi Prefecture Monday night following a fatal pachinko parlor fire in Osaka on Sunday afternoon.