今週の復習102 【2008年07月31日】
1. Turkey bombs kill at least 16
2. Japan's June unemployment rate announced
3. Ichiro reaches 3,000th career hit
イチローが通算3千本安打達成 【2008年07月30日】
In Major League Baseball, Seattle Mariners outfielder Ichiro Suzuki reached the 3,000th career hit with a first-inning single to leftfield Tuesday night against the Texas Rangers.
日本の6月の失業率発表 【2008年07月29日】
Japan's unemployment rate for men was unchanged at 4.2 percent in June, while the rate for women was up 0.3 points to 4.0 percent, according to the Internal Affairs Ministry.
トルコの爆破で犠牲者16人以上 【2008年07月28日】
Two bombs exploded in succession Sunday night in Turkey's largest city of Istanbul, killing at least 16 people and injuring more than 150 others.
今週の復習101 【2008年07月25日】
1. "iPhone" goes on sale
2. Teenager hijacks bus
ティーンエイジャーがバスジャック 【2008年07月17日】
Police detained a 14-year-old boy Wednesday for hijacking a long-distance bus at knifepoint on an expressway in central Japan.
アイフォーン発売 【2008年07月14日】
The much awaited Apple Inc "iPhone" finally went on sale in a Tokyo store Friday five hours ahead of other stores across Japan,